Passing Python dictionary as keyword arguments

Python dictionaries constitute a flexible data structure that enables us to employ key-value pairs to store as well as manipulate data. Employing special keys, they offer a practical way to arrange and access information. Dictionaries in Python can be passed as keyword arguments to functions, which is an intriguing feature. When working with functions that require numerous inputs, this method enables greater flexibility as well as readability.

By passing dictionaries as keyword arguments, we can pass a variety of arguments without having to define each one individually. Our code becomes more modular and understandable since it offers a simple and logical approach to passing data to functions. We will examine two different methods for providing Python dictionaries as keyword arguments in this article, each with its own algorithm, illustrative code, and explanations.


For passing Python dictionary as keyword arguments, we can follow the two methods −

  • Unpacking the Dictionary utilizing the ** operator.

  • Directly passing the dictionary as a keyword argument.

Let us investigate both approaches −

Unpacking the Dictionary Utilizing the ** Operator

The first method involves employing the ** (splat) operator to unpack the dictionary. One can extract the key-value pairs from the dictionary employing this method, and then send them as keyword arguments to a function. One can pass only certain values or even modify them before passing by unpacking the dictionary. When we have preset functions that require certain keyword arguments, this strategy is helpful. It allows us to conveniently provide the required arguments while allowing us to reuse existing routines.


The algorithm for passing the Python dictionary as keyword arguments are given below −

  • Step 1 − Create a function that is a helper function and has arguments for the dictionary.

  • Step 2 − Creation of a dictionary with the specified data.

  • Step 3 − Print the original dictionary elements.

  • Step 4 − Call the helper function that will display the unpacked result.


# Build a helper function that demonstrates the task
def data_processing(emp_no, name, age):
   print("Emp no:", emp_no)
   print("Name:", name)
   print("Age:", age)

# Build a dictionary with user data
data_user = {
   'emp_no': 213456,
   'name': 'Ben',
   'age': 21

# Displaying the original dictionary
print("The original dictionary is:", data_user)

# Passing the dictionary with the help of the ** operator
print("Output by unpacking the dictionary:")


The original dictionary is: {'emp_no': 213456, 'name': 'Ben', 'age': 21}
Output by unpacking the dictionary:
Emp no: 213456
Name: Ben
Age: 21

Directly Passing the Dictionary as a Keyword Argument

The second method entails giving a function of the dictionary itself as a keyword parameter. We can pass the complete dictionary as a single argument rather than having to unpack it first. When we have custom functions that require a single keyword parameter that represents the complete dictionary, this method is helpful. It enables us to use the appropriate keys to retrieve the values contained within the function. Particularly when dealing with functions that handle a wide range of inputs represented by a dictionary, this technique offers versatility and simplicity.


The algorithm for parsing the Python dictionary as keyword arguments are given below −

  • Step 1 − Create a function that is a helper function and has arguments for the dictionary that are directly passed.

  • Step 2 − Build a dictionary with user data and add values.

  • Step 3 − Display the dictionary for the original one.

  • Step 4 − Invoke the data_process() function by passing arguments that will display the unpacked result.


# Helper function to demonstrate the task
def data_process(user):
   print("Emp No:", user['emp_no'])
   print("Name:", user['name'])
   print("Age:", user['age'])

# Build a dictionary with user data
data_user = {
   'emp_no': 213456,
   'name': 'Ben',
   'age': 21

# Displaying the original dictionary
print("The original dictionary is:", data_user)

# Passing the dictionary directly as a keyword argument
print("Output by passing the dictionary directly:")


The original dictionary is: {'emp_no': 213456, 'name': 'Ben', 'age': 21}
Output by unpacking the dictionary:
Emp no: 213456
Name: Ben
Age: 21


Python can locate numbers within a specified range using either strategy. They vary, nonetheless, in terms of readability and intricacy. The temporal complexity of the linear search strategy is O(n), where n is the number of members in the list. Each element is examined iteratively to see if it falls within the defined range. Even though it is simple to construct, this method traverses the entire list even if the target range is identified early on, which means it may not be the most effective for longer lists.

Updated on: 18-Oct-2023


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