Partial, Unique, Secondary, Composite and Surrogate keys in DBMS


Are you struggling with understanding the different types of keys in a database management system (DBMS)? It might come as a surprise that there are five crucial ones to grasp: partial, unique, secondary, composite and surrogate keys.

Types of Keys in DBMS

There are several types of keys in DBMS, including partial, unique, secondary, composite, and surrogate keys.

Partial Key

In the realm of Database Management Systems (DBMS), a Partial Key serves a unique purpose. It is an attribute or set of attributes that can only identify some records, not all, within a table.

This key type steps into the spotlight in scenarios where data items share common characteristics but no single attribute can distinguish them all independently. Imagine a densely populated city with numerous individuals bearing identical first names; to uniquely recognize each person, you would need additional attributes like last name or address.

That's exactly how Partial Keys function - they help carve out an identity for records when one factor isn't enough to ensure uniqueness.

Unique Key

A unique key in a DBMS is a type of key that identifies each record in a table uniquely. It ensures data integrity by preventing duplicate records from being inserted into the table. A unique key constraint can be applied to one or more columns in a table, and it guarantees that the values within those columns are unique across all records.

In practical terms, think of a unique key as your own personal identification number (PIN). Just like how every individual has their own unique PIN, each record in a table should have its own distinct identifier.

This allows for efficient data retrieval and eliminates any confusion or conflicts when working with the database.

For example, let's say you have an employee database where each employee is assigned an employee ID. By adding a unique key constraint on the employee ID column, you ensure that no two employees can have the same ID number.

This not only helps maintain order and organization within your database but also facilitates easy searching and referencing of specific employees when needed.

Secondary Key

A secondary key in a database management system (DBMS) is a key that is used for additional search criteria in a table. Unlike the primary key, which uniquely identifies each record, the secondary key provides an alternative way to search and retrieve data efficiently.

It helps optimize queries by allowing users to filter results using different attributes or fields in the table. For example, if you have a customer table, the primary key could be the customer ID, but you might also have a secondary key based on their location or purchase history.

This allows you to easily find customers from specific areas or with certain buying patterns without having to scan through all records. Secondary keys are vital for improving performance and enhancing data retrieval capabilities in DBMS.

Composite Key

A composite key is a type of key in DBMS that consists of multiple attributes or columns to uniquely identify a record. Unlike single attribute keys, a composite key uses a combination of two or more attributes to create a unique identifier for each record in a table.

This is useful when one attribute alone cannot guarantee uniqueness. For example, in an employee database, using just the "name" column as the primary key might result in duplicate records if there are employees with the same name.

By combining attributes like "name," "date of birth," and "employee ID," we can create a composite key that ensures each employee's record is distinct and identifiable. Composite keys are commonly used in complex data models where uniqueness cannot be achieved with one attribute alone.

Surrogate Key

A surrogate key in a database management system (DBMS) is an artificial key used to uniquely identify each record. It is often created specifically for this purpose, rather than being based on any meaningful attribute of the data itself.

Surrogate keys are useful in situations where a natural or unique identifier cannot be determined, such as when dealing with complex data relationships or merging multiple datasets. They simplify data management and support efficient data integration.

Surrogate keys play a crucial role in ensuring data integrity and enabling effective querying and indexing within a relational database system.

Definitions and Characteristics of Each Key

A partial key is unable to uniquely identify all records in a table, while a unique key ensures each record is identified uniquely. A secondary key is used for additional search criteria, and a composite key consists of multiple attributes to uniquely identify a record.

Lastly, a surrogate key is an artificial key used for unique identification purposes.

Partial Key

A partial key, also known as a non-key attribute, is a type of key in database management systems that cannot uniquely identify all records in a table. Unlike primary or unique keys, which guarantee uniqueness for each record in a table, a partial key may result in non-unique values.

This means that multiple records may share the same value for the partial key attribute.

In practical terms, this can occur when there are duplicate values within the column used as the partial key or when other attributes present in conjunction with the partial key do not provide enough information to ensure uniqueness.

While not capable of serving as a sole identifier, partial keys can still be useful when combined with other attributes to form composite keys or used alongside secondary keys for additional search criteria and data retrieval purposes.

Unique Key

A unique key is a special type of key in a database management system (DBMS) that ensures each record in a table is uniquely identified. It plays a crucial role in maintaining data integrity and preventing duplicate records.

Essentially, the unique key serves as an identifier for each individual record, allowing for efficient data retrieval and manipulation.

In practical terms, imagine having a customer database where each customer has their own unique identification number. This unique key helps distinguish one customer from another and enables easy access to their information when needed.

For example, if you were to search for a specific customer using their unique key, the DBMS would quickly locate the corresponding record without any confusion or ambiguity.

Secondary Key

A secondary key in a database management system (DBMS) is used to provide additional search criteria when retrieving data from a table. It helps enhance the efficiency of searches by allowing users to find specific records based on different attributes or characteristics.

This type of key complements the primary key, which uniquely identifies each record, by enabling more flexible and targeted searches within the table.

For example, if you have a customer table with a primary key based on the customer ID, you can use a secondary key such as the customer's last name or email address to quickly locate specific customers without scanning through all the entries.

Composite Key

A composite key in a database management system (DBMS) is a key that consists of multiple attributes or columns to uniquely identify a record. Unlike a single attribute key, such as an employee ID or customer ID, a composite key combines several fields to create a unique identifier for each record in the table.

For example, let's say we have a table called "Orders" that stores information about customer orders. Each order may be identified by combining the customer ID and the order number. The combination of these two attributes creates a composite key that ensures no duplicate records exist and allows for efficient retrieval of specific orders.

Using composite keys can be beneficial when one attribute alone cannot guarantee uniqueness, but multiple attributes together can provide more accurate identification. This approach is commonly used in complex data models where individual attributes may not have sufficient uniqueness on their own.

Surrogate Key

A surrogate key is an artificial key used to uniquely identify each record in a database table. Unlike other types of keys, such as composite or natural keys, a surrogate key has no meaningful information associated with it.

It is usually generated by the database management system and does not have any inherent significance related to the data being stored.

Surrogate keys are commonly used in situations where there is no suitable unique identifier available for a record. They simplify data management by providing a simple and straightforward way to identify each individual entry in a table.

Surrogate keys also support data integration, as they can be easily referenced and linked between different tables within a database.


In conclusion, understanding the different types of keys in DBMS is crucial for maintaining data integrity and efficient data retrieval. Whether it's a partial key for unique identification challenges or a composite key to combine attributes, each type serves its purpose in database management.

Surrogate keys also offer simplified data management and support integration efforts. By utilizing these keys effectively, professionals can ensure reliable and organized relational databases that meet their specific needs.

Updated on: 22-Jan-2024


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