The circumference of the base of a circular cylinder is $8\pi\ cm$. The height of cylinder is same as the diameter of the base. How much water can the cylinder hold?

Given: The circumference of the base of a circular cylinder is $8\pi\ cm$. The height of cylinder is same as the diameter of the base. 

To do: To find that how much water can the cylinder hold?


As given, circumference of the base of the cylinder$=2\pi r=8\pi$

$\Rightarrow r=\frac{8\pi}{2\pi}$

$\Rightarrow r=4$

Also given,  The height of cylinder is same as the diameter of the base. 

$\Rightarrow h=2r=2\times4=8$

Volume of cylinder$=\pi r^2h$


$=128\pi\ unit^3$

Thus, the amount of water that cylinder can hold is $128\pi\ unit^3$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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