Name two synthetic fibers.

Two synthetic fibres are:
  1. Polyester
  2. Nylon

[Recapitulation: Fibres are thread-like structures that are long, thin and flexible. These may be spun into yarns and then made into fabrics. There can be different types of fibres. On the basis of their origin, fibres are classified as natural fibres and synthetic fibres.

Synthetic fibres- Synthetic fibres are man-made fibres designed to make fabrics.

Eg. nylon and rayon

Rayon is the first man-made fibre. It is obtained by chemical treatment of wood pulp. So it is also known as a semi-synthetic fibre.

Nylon, the first synthetic fibre in the "fully synthetic" sense of that term, was developed by Wallace Carothers, an American researcher at the chemical firm DuPont in the 1930s.

There are certain disadvantages of using synthetic fibres over Natural ones.

The disadvantage of synthetic fibre are given below:-

 1. Synthetic fibres do not absorb water or sweat. 

 2. Synthetic fibres melt and burn easily.

 3. Synthetic fibres on catching fire shrink forming beads which stick to the skin. Therefore it is not advisable to use clothes made from synthetic fibres while working near flame/fire, such as, in the kitchen. 

 4. Synthetic fibres are non-biodegradable. They cause soil pollution.]

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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