Fill in the following blanks with suitable words:(a) The process of ______ ensures continuity of life on earth. (b) Plasmodium reproduces by the process of ______ fission whereas Paramecium reproduces by the process of ______ fission.(c) Rose plants and sugar cane crop are usually grown by the ______ method.(d) Vegetative reproduction of potato plants is done by using ______.(e) Strawberry plants are propagated by the natural _______ method.

(a) The process of reproduction ensures continuity of life on Earth.

Explanation - The process of reproduction is necessary because it ensures the continuity of various plant or animal species on the Earth, and maintains the stability by maintaining a proper balance among various biotic constituents of the ecosystem.

(b) Plasmodium reproduces by the process of multiple fission, whereas Paramecium reproduces by the process of binary fission.

Explanation - Multiple fission is the process of asexual reproduction in which a single parent cell is divided into many daughter cells.
Binary fission is the process of asexual reproduction in which the parent cell divides itself into two equal and identical daughter cells.

(c) Rose plants and sugarcane are usually propagated by the cutting method.

Explanation - The cutting method is used in horticulture for vegetative (asexual) propagation in which the portion of stem, leaf or root detached from the mother plant is placed in a proper medium such as moist soil.

(d) Vegetative reproduction of a potato plant is done by using its tuber.

Explanation - A tuber is the enlarged and thickened part of an underground stem of a plant, which acts as a storage organ for food (starch). Tubers produce nodes, buds, or eyes all over their surface, which grow up through the soil surface as shoots and stems. Hence, the vegetative reproduction of a potato plant is done by using its tuber.

(e) Strawberry plants are propagated by the natural layering method.

Explanation - Plants like Strawberry is propagated by natural layering method because these plants form runner, which are soft horizontal stems running above the ground. Wherever the ends of such runners touch the ground, new plants are formed at those places. In this way, many more strawberry plants are formed from the parent plant in a natural way.


Simply Easy Learning

Updated on: 23-Mar-2023


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