You can password to an existing user using the MySQL SET PASSWORD Statement. Using this you can

  • Set a specific password to a user account.
  • Set a random password.
  • Replace the current password with a new one.
  • Retain the current password as its secondary password.


Following is the syntax of the MySQL SET PASSWORD Statement −

SET PASSWORD [FOR user_name] new_password
   [REPLACE 'current_password_string']

Where, user_name is the name of the user for which you need to change the password.


Assume we have created a user named sample (without any password) using the CREATE USER Statement as shown below −

CREATE USER 'tp'@'localhost';

To login as the above created user. Open command prompt, browse through the bin folder of MySQL installation folder and execute the command mysql -u user_name -p as −

MySQL_Installation_Directorybin>mysql -u tp
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Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the 
current input statement. MySQL SET PASSWORD Statement

Now you can assign a password of the current user account as shown below −

SET PASSWORD ='mypassword123';

Setting password for a specific user

You set/assign password to a specific user using the FOR clause in the SET PASSWORD Statement −

SET PASSWORD FOR user_name password_string


Assume we have created a user named test using the CREATE USER statement.

CREATE USER 'test'@'localhost';

Following query assigns password for the above created user −

SET PASSWORD FOR 'test'@'localhost' = 'mypassword';

Replacing existing password

You can replace the existing password using the REPLACE clause along with the SET PASSWORD statement.

SET PASSWORD = new_password REPLACE old_password;


Assume we have created a user named test along with a password, using the CREATE USER statement.

CREATE USER test@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'test12345';

Login as the above created user. (Open command prompt, browse through the bin folder of MySQL installation folder and execute the following query) −

MySQL_Installation_Directorybin>mysql -u tp -p

Following query replaces the password of the above created user −

SET PASSWORD = 'newpassword' REPLACE 'test12345';

You can use REPLACE only for the current user

Assigning a random password

You can assign random password using the RANDOM clause along with the SET PASSWORD Statement.



Assume we have created a user named sample (without any password) using the CREATE USER Statement as shown below −

CREATE USER 'tp'@'localhost';

Following query sets a random password of the above created user −

SET PASSWORD FOR 'tp'@'localhost' TO RANDOM;


Following is the output of the above program −

user host generated password
tp localhost hTWnSP:h0eAe(ywVJArm