Mushrooms - Benefits Side Effects Nutrition and Types

If you've ever shopped at the grocery store or eaten a meal out, chances are mushrooms were somewhere on the menu. But do you know what makes these little fungi so special? Mushrooms pack a powerful punch when it comes to their nutritional value and health benefits, alongside some potential side effects that we'll talk about today. From medicinal uses to popular recipes, mushrooms have a lot to offer! Read on for an in-depth look at how mushrooms can be an integral part of your diet.

Mushroom Nutritional Value

Mushrooms are an all-around powerhouse when it comes to nutrition. You rest assured of a good source of B vitamins such as niacin, riboflavin, and folates. Vitamins D and B12 are also found in mushrooms, making them a perfect food for those following a vegan lifestyle. On top of that, mushrooms contain many essential minerals, including selenium, potassium, copper and phosphorus. Additionally, they provide some of the highest amounts of protein in the plant kingdom on a weight basis. Lastly, they offer immune boosting potential due to their notable content of polysaccharides called "beta-glucans". With such amazing benefits delivered through a crunchy texture and delicious flavour, how can one not add mushrooms to their daily diet?

Types of Mushrooms

Depending on the region, climatic conditions and type, there are many types of mushrooms out there in nature. Two of the most popular edible mushrooms are button and shiitake mushrooms. Button mushrooms are white with a mild flavour and can be cooked quickly due to their small size. Shiitake mushrooms have a more intense flavour and are native to East Asia. They often have medicinal properties, which have been an essential part of traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. In addition to edible varieties, some non-edible mushrooms vary wildly in their look and habitat. Many of these grow on decaying trees, but it is important to check with a specialist that the species is not poisonous before consuming!

Benefits of Adding Mushrooms to your Diet

Boost Immune System

It's well-known that having a healthy immune system is super important. Nowadays, with all the germs, pollutants and illnesses we're exposed to daily, ensuring our bodies are strong enough to fight these external invaders has never been more relevant. But do you know that one of the most powerful weapons in your arsenal might already be in your kitchen pantry? Mushrooms can play an important part in boosting our overall immunity - all it takes is understanding how they work and adding them to our diet! In this blog post, we will dive deeper into how mushrooms help improve our immune system, as well as delicious ways to incorporate them into our meals and get their many benefits. Let's get started!

Improve Heart Health

It may surprise you that mushrooms can be highly beneficial for heart health. Due to their high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, they can reduce cholesterol levels and help manage blood pressure, two major risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, research has found that diets high in mushrooms are correlated with a lower risk of mortality from coronary artery disease. Mushrooms contain bioactive compounds such as selenium and ergothioneine, which can protect the body from oxidative damage and inflammation caused by stress on the immune system. Whether cooked or raw, adding more mushrooms to your diet is the easiest way to get some extra nutrition while supporting heart health - a true win-win!

Full of Anti-Cancer Properties

Mushrooms have been part of human diets for centuries, and recent studies have emerged highlighting the anti-cancer properties of certain types. Various research has suggested that the polysaccharides found in mushrooms can inhibit the growth of cancerous cells, while glucans can potentially reduce tumour sizes. These findings greatly benefit those undergoing chemotherapy and radiation, as consuming mushrooms as part of a healthy diet plan can reinforce treatments prior to or post. However, you must know that not all mushrooms are beneficial for cancer patients; medical advice should be sought before including them in diet plans.

Aid in Weight Management

Eating mushrooms is a great way to manage weight. They are a low-calorie, fat-free food that can help provide the feeling of fullness while eating fewer calories. Mushrooms contain dietary fibres, which help to promote feelings of satiety or fullness so that you feel satisfied after a meal or snack and are less likely to overeat. In addition to helping reduce caloric intake, mushrooms also contain beneficial nutrients such as B vitamins, selenium, and potassium. Eating an adequate amount of these nutrients helps improve overall health and can contribute to a healthy weight management plan. By including mushrooms in your diet in place of higher calorie options like heavy meats or processed foods, you can reach your weight goals without compromising flavour or nutrition.

Improve Cognitive Function

Mushrooms can provide an array of beneficial effects for cognitive function, helping to improve memory, focus, and reaction time. They are packed with essential vitamins and minerals such as B vitamins, selenium, and vitamin D that boost the production of neurotransmitters responsible for cognition. In addition to this, mushrooms are a rich source of the powerful antioxidant ergothioneine, which helps to protect neurons in the brain against cell damage. Studies have shown that consuming mushroom-rich diets can even slow down neurological diseases like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's through its neuroprotective properties. To reap the benefits of mushrooms and improve cognitive function, they should be included as part of a healthy balanced diet.

Provide Anti-Inflammatory properties

Research has found that mushrooms contain compounds with anti-inflammatory properties, which could make them beneficial in treating inflammation-based conditions such as arthritis and allergies. Not only do these compounds help reduce existing inflammation, but some studies have shown they could even prevent it from occurring in the first place. With such impressive potential, mushrooms are certainly a superfood worthy of further investigation.

Side Effects

While mushrooms are often touted for their many health benefits, there can also be some potential side effects when consumed too often. Symptoms of digestive distress, such as nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhoea, can occur in those with sensitive stomachs. Eating contaminated mushroom species could potentially cause various types of allergies or toxic reactions. Certain mushrooms, such as shiitake, can cause a disulfiram-like reaction if consumed with alcohol, leading to symptoms like reddening of the face and severe headache. Additionally, people with weakened immune systems should avoid certain wild mushrooms due to the risk of poisoning. Ultimately, it's important to only consume mushrooms that are properly sourced, either from a trusted store or online retailer.


Though often thought of as a vegetable, mushrooms are technically classified as fungi. They're a source of several important nutrients and offer a variety of health benefits, though they can also cause some side effects. It is imperative to let your doctor know before adding mushrooms to your diet. And remember, different types of mushrooms offer different nutritional profiles, so choose the ones that best fit your needs.

Updated on: 14-Feb-2023


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