mindepth and maxdepth in Linux find() command for limiting search to a specific directory

The find command in Linux is used to look for files and directories inside a directory structure. The find command's min depth and max depth arguments let you restrict the search to a certain directory or depth level. Max depth defines the maximum depth level up to which the search should be conducted, whereas min depth specifies the least depth level from the starting directory where the search should begin. These choices can help you focus your search to a certain directory or depth level within a complicated directory structure.

What are min depth and max depth levels?

max depth levels − The maximum number of directories to descend from the starting points is (a non-negative integer). Only use the tests and actions on the starting points themselves when the depth is set to -max depth 0.

min depth levels − No tests or actions should be applied at levels lower than levels (a non negative integer). Process all files excluding the starting points with the option -min depth 1.


When using the search command in Linux, there are various strategies you can employ with min depth and max depth −

Searching within a specific directory: Using min depth and max depth for searching for files and directories just within the specified directory when conducting a search. For instance, the following command can be used to look for files in the directory /home/user/documents without looking in any of its sub directories −

find /home/user/documents -max depth 1 -type f



This command will display a list of files present directly within the directory , without searching in its sub directories

Searching up to a specific depth level: Using max depth, you can choose the depth level at which a search should be carried out. For instance, the following command can be used to search for directories and files up to depth level 2 from the present directory

find . -max depth 2

This command will display a list of directories and files up to a depth level of 2 from the current directory. It will search within the current directory and its immediate sub directories, but not beyond that.

Searching from a specific depth level: The lowest level at which the search should start can be specified using min depth. For instance, the following command can be used to look for files and directories beginning with the highest level of subdomains from the current directory −

find . -min depth 3

This command will display a list of files and directories starting from the depth level of 3 from the current directory. It will skip the current directory and its immediate sub directories, and start the search from the highest level of subdomains.


There are various benefits to using the find command's min depth and max depth options

  • Faster searches − Restricting the search to a specific depth level or directory speeds up the find command, as it only searches within the specified range.

  • Reduced output − By limiting the search to a particular depth level or directory, the find command produces less data, making it easier to locate desired files and avoid information overload.

  • Accuracy is increased − Focusing the search on specific depth levels or directories prevents unnecessary exploration of the directory structure, improving the accuracy of the search results.

  • Enhanced efficiency − When performing batch operations on files, limiting the search to specific folders or depth levels can streamline the process and prevent unwanted outcomes, resulting in improved efficiency.


There are a number of benefits to utilizing the min depth and max depth arguments in the search command, but there are also some potential drawbacks −

  • Risk of missing files − Setting the depth level too low or starting the search too deep can result in missing files, especially if they are deeply nested within the directory tree.

  • Complexity − Using min depth and max depth arguments can increase the complexity of the find command syntax, especially when combining them with other search criteria.

  • Limited flexibility − The min depth and max depth settings restrict the search range and may not be suitable for all situations

  • Unintended consequences: − Care must be taken to ensure the correct directory and depth level are specified when using min depth and max depth options to avoid accidental deletion or modification of files.

Common issues and troubleshooting

When utilizing the min depth and max depth arguments in the search command, the following typical problems and solutions are listed:

Syntax errors − One of the most frequent problems is syntax errors in the command. Verify the min depth and max depth options' placement in the command and their syntax once more. To learn more about the syntax, you could also use the --help option.

Incorrect depth levels − Setting the min depth or max depth parameters to the wrong settings is another frequent problem. Verify the directory hierarchy to find the appropriate depth level to utilize. To confirm the correct depth level, you might also use the ls command to list the directory's contents.

Unexpected search results − If you're obtaining unexpected search results, it's possible that the min depth and max depth settings are being used incorrectly. Make sure to check the other search criteria in the command and to specify the appropriate directory and depth level.

Performance problems − If the search is taking an excessively lengthy time to complete, you may want to think about limiting the search criteria. For example, you might choose a smaller range of depth levels to search for, or you could use other search choices like m time or type to focus your search.


In Linux, the find command's min depth and max depth options offer a potent way to restrict the search for files to a particular directory or depth level. By limiting the search's parameters, you can increase the search's effectiveness, precision, and speed.

Updated on: 26-Jul-2023

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