Major Countries of Asia and Their Coastlines

Numerous nations in Asia have long coastlines, resulting in a variety of topographies and abundant marine environments. With almost 54,000 km of coastline and countless islands, Indonesia has the longest coastline in all of Asia. With its huge landmass, Russia possesses Asia's second-longest coastline. Significant coasts in the Philippines, Japan, China, Turkey, India, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Thailand also contribute to their cultural, economic, and ecological significance.

Features of Countries of Asia and their Coastlines

Here are the descriptions of countries which have longest coastlines in Asia −


Indonesia is the world’s largest island nation. In addition to having the third-longest coastline in the world with an extent of 1,904,56 square kilometres that includes over 17,000 islands, islets, and rock formations, Indonesia also has the longest coastline in Asia. About 54,720 kilometres of shoreline are present in the nation. All offshore seas that are less than 22 km from the coast are considered to be part of Indonesia. Additionally, it asserts some degree of control over fishing rights in open waters up to 370 kilometres from the coast. There are large sections of mangrove on regions of Indonesia's coastline.

Some of the nicest beaches on the continent may be found along Indonesia's coastline. Bali and other beach destinations draw travellers from all over the world. A wide variety of marine life can be found on the coral reefs that cover Indonesia's coastline.


The second-longest coastline in Asia and the fourth-longest coastline overall belongs to Russia, the largest nation on earth. The nation's overall area is 17,075,200 square kilometres, and its coastline is 37,653 kilometres long. Additionally, the nation boasts an 850 km long Caspian Sea coastline. The length of the shoreline is not included in the aforementioned number, though, because the sea is landlocked. The Pacific and Atlantic Oceans both have a shoreline in Russia. Along with the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea, and the Sea of Azov all encircle this nation.


The Philippines, a country in Maritime Southeast Asia, has the third-longest coastline in Asia and the fifth-longest coastline overall. The nation is made up of a large number of islands in the Pacific Ocean. The Philippines' coastline is uneven in shape and has numerous gulfs, islets, and bays. The length of the coastline is increased by the country's coastline's fractured nature. The seaside is the location of almost 60% of the nation's metropolitan settlements.


East Asia's Pacific Ocean contains the island nation of Japan. The fourth-longest in Asia and sixth-longest in the globe is Japan's 29,751 km-long coastline. There are various natural harbours throughout the country's long, narrow coastlines that have inlets that are getting shallower. Due to the typically undulating nature of the coastline in the area, there aren't many such harbours to be found along the coastline north of Tokyo. As a result of Japan's high seismic susceptibility, the nation's coastline is also vulnerable to tsunamis brought on by such earthquakes.


China has the tenth-longest coastline in the world and the fifth-longest in Asia. The coastline of China stretches for around 14,500 kilometres. The nation features coastlines that run along the Yellow Sea, the South and East China Seas, and the Korea Bay. varied regions of the nation have radically varied types of shorelines. The majority of China's northern region is rather flat with sporadic highlands, but its southern shoreline is more erratic and frequently features rocky and steep terrain.


Turkey has one of the longest coasts in Asia and is surrounded by land on three sides. Its 8,333 kilometres of coastline. The nation offers one of the world's most picturesque coasts, complete with lovely beaches and a backdrop of lush, green forests. The Marmara, Mediterranean, Aegean, and Black Seas all border the nation.


India's coastline is the seventh-longest in Asia. The length of the shore is 7,500 kilometres. Both the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal border the nation's shores on the west and east, respectively. The Lakshadweep Sea is to the southwest and the Indian Ocean washes the nation's coastline to the south. Numerous natural harbours and tourism destinations may be found along India's coastline. The majority of the country's densely populated urban areas are located near the coastline. Mumbai's financial centre is situated on the Arabian Sea's coast.


MaIaysia has a total area of land that is 329,293 km2. About 4,809 kilometres of shoreline make up the entire area. Malaysia is situated in South East Asia. Malaysia's coastal region is very important from a socioeconomic standpoint. A significant number of people reside in this area, which also serves as the hub of economic activity. The coastline of Malaysia is the 29th-longest in the world. The South China Sea separates Peninsular Malaysia from the States of Sabah and Sarawak, which are collectively referred to as East Malaysia. Despite their geographic differences, West (Peninsular) and East Malaysia both have coastal plains that rise to hills and mountains.


The Indochinese peninsula's eastern border is where Vietnam is situated. Vietnam claims 12 nautical miles (22.2 km) as the limit of its territorial seas and an extra 12 nautical miles (22.2 km) as a contiguous customs and security zone along its 3,260 km of coastline, excluding islands. Along with China, Laos, and Cambodia, has borders with the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Thailand, and the Gulf of Tonkin. From Mong Cai in the north to Ha Tien in the southwest, the nation's coastline stretches for a considerable distance.


Southeast Asia's mainland is home to Thailand. Its 513,120 km2 (198,120 sq mi) total area makes it the 50th largest country in the world. The Andaman Sea in the Indian Ocean is where Thailand's south-western coast meets it. With a total of 3148 km of coastline, the Malay Peninsula's southern coast and eastern shoreline both border the Pacific Ocean's Gulf of Thailand (formerly known as the Gulf of Siam). The territory shares borders with Malaysia, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Laos.

List Of Countries of Asia and their Coastlines

Here’s is the list of 10 Countries with The Longest Coastlines in Asia −


Length of coastline (in km)






















Asia is known for having nations with long coasts that provide stunning views, a variety of marine life, and thriving coastal settlements. With the largest archipelago and the longest coastline in Asia, Indonesia is in first place. The largest nation in the world, Russia, has a sizable coastline that stretches along the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Additionally embracing their coastline assets are the Philippines, Japan, China, Turkey, India, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Thailand. These countries' coastlines contribute to their ecological diversity, economic growth, and cultural legacy, making them desirable travel destinations for both beachgoers and outdoor enthusiasts.

Frequently Asked Question

Which country in Asia has the longest coastline?

Indonesia has the longest coastline in Asia, stretching over 54,000 kilometers.

How long is Russia's coastline in Asia?

Russia has a coastline of approximately 37,653 kilometers in Asia.

Which country in Asia has the seventh-longest coastline?

India has the seventh-longest coastline in Asia, spanning 7,500 kilometers.

What is the total length of Japan's coastline in Asia?

Japan has a coastline of 29,751 kilometers in Asia.

Updated on: 20-Oct-2023


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