Major Cold Deserts of Asia

Cold deserts of Asia are diverse and amazing, showcasing the continent's distinct terrain and climate. These chilly deserts, which range from the vast Gobi Desert in Mongolia and China to the untamed Altai Mountains and the beautiful Pamir Mountains, provide breath-taking scenery and are critically important ecologically. The region's desert diversity is further increased by the Tien Shan Mountains, the Karakoram Desert, and the Taklamakan Desert.

Features of Major Cold Deserts of Asia

Here are the descriptions about major cold deserts of Asia −

Gobi Desert

The Gobi Desert, the sixth largest desert in the world, is a sizable, icy desert and grassland region in northern China and southern Mongolia. The word "desert" is derived from the Mongolian word "Gobi," which is used to describe all of the arid areas of the Mongolian Plateau. In Chinese, however, the word "Gobi" is used to describe stony, semi-deserts like the Gobi rather than sandy deserts. The Gobi Desert is 800 km (500 mi) in length from north to south and 1,600 km (1,000 mi) from southwest to northeast. West of the line connecting Lake Bosten and the Lop Nor is where the desert is at its broadest.

Taklamakan Desert

Northwest China's southwestern Xinjiang region contains the Taklamakan Desert. It is situated inside the Tarim Basin and is bordered to the south by the Kunlun Mountains, to the west by the Pamir Mountains, to the north by the Tian Shan range, and to the east by the Gobi Desert. The 337,000 km2 Taklamakan Desert is located in. The Tarim Basin, which is 400 kilometres (250 miles) wide and 1,000 kilometres (620 miles) long, includes the desert.

Karakoram Desert

Central Asia's Karakoram Desert is also known as Kara-Kum and Gara-Gum. Its name is translated as "black sand" in Turkic languages where "kum" refers to sand and "kara" is a contraction of the word "dark" or may even be older in this language family. In most of the desert, this refers to the shale-rich sand that is typically found beneath the sand. It takes up nearly 70% of Turkmenistan, or 350,000 km2 (140,000 sq. mi). The population density is low, at one person for every 6.5 km2 (2.5 sq. mi). Rainfall is likewise uncommon, only amounting to 70 to 150 mm (3 to 6 in) annually.

Alashan Desert

The 'Alashan Plateau semi-desert ecoregion is located in the southwest corner of the Gobi Desert, where sporadic summer precipitation from the mountains is sufficient to support a small amount of plant life. With elevations ranging from 1,000 to 2,500 meters (3,300 to 8,200 feet), the topography is basin and range. The Tibetan Plateau is to the south, while the more arid Gobi is to the north and east of the region, which lies on the China-Mongolia border.

List of Major Cold Deserts of Asia

Here is the table showing major cold desert of Asia −

Cold Deserts


Gobi Desert

Mongolia, China

Taklamakan Desert


Karakoram Desert


Alashan Desert



There are numerous significant cold deserts in Asia, each of which has distinct physical characteristics. These chilly deserts, which range in size from Mongolia's immense Gobi Desert to China's isolated and rugged Altai Mountains, are home to a wide variety of ecosystems. Other significant cold desert regions include the Taklamakan Desert in China, the Pamir Mountains in Tajikistan, and the Tien Shan Mountains that cross Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and China. The chilly deserts of Asia are a wonderful example of the continent's varied and interesting landscapes, with their harsh weather and breath-taking natural beauty.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the Gobi Desert located?

The Gobi Desert is located in northern China and southern Mongolia.

What is the significance of the Taklamakan Desert?

The Taklamakan Desert in China is known for its vast size and its location within the Tarim Basin.

Which mountains border the Altai Mountains?

The Altai Mountains are bordered by Russia, China, Mongolia, and Kazakhstan.

What is the Trans-Himalaya?

The Trans-Himalaya is a mountain range that runs parallel to the main Himalayan range through China, India, and Nepal.

Where are the Pamir Mountains located?

The Pamir Mountains are located between Central Asia and Pakistan, spanning Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, and China.

What countries share the Tien Shan Mountains?

The Tien Shan Mountains are shared by Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and China.

Where is the Alashan Desert located?

The Alashan Desert is located in the southwest corner of the Gobi Desert, along the China-Mongolia border.

Which desert is known as the "black sand" desert?

The Karakoram Desert, also known as Kara-Kum and Gara-Gum, is referred to as the "black sand" desert due to the shale-rich sand found beneath the surface.

What are the Sayan Mountains?

The Sayan Mountains are a mountain range in northern Mongolia, southern Siberia, and Russia.

What is the Kunlun Mountain?

The Kunlun Mountains are a vast mountain chain that stretches across southern Xinjiang to Qinghai province in China.

Updated on: 20-Oct-2023


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