Major Cold Deserts of South America

The Major Cold Deserts of South America are intriguing areas with harsh weather, little vegetation, and distinctive topographical characteristics. These deserts, which span several nations and give a glimpse of the extremes of nature, include the Puna, Altiplano, Southern Patagonian, Tierra del Fuego, Atacama, Campos de Hielo Sur, Llanos de Challe, Paine, Deseado, and Gran Bajo de San Julián.

These frigid deserts create a difficult environment for life while exhibiting the beauty and strength of nature in the face of hardship because of their harsh temperatures, little precipitation, and rugged landscapes.

Features of Major Cold Deserts of South America

Here are the expanded explanations for the Major Cold Deserts of South America −


  • Located in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru.

  • Experiences a wide temperature range from -20°C to 15°C, with colder temperatures at higher elevations.

  • Characterized by low precipitation levels, making it one of the driest cold deserts in the world.

  • The arid climate and sparse vegetation are adaptations to the harsh conditions.

  • Supports traditional herding activities, with llamas and alpacas being the primary livestock.

  • Mining activities, particularly for silver, tin, and lithium, also contribute to the region's economy.


  • Found in Bolivia and Peru, with a high average elevation of over 3,800 meters.

  • Features a temperature range of -15°C to 20°C, influenced by its altitude and proximity to the Andes Mountains.

  • Exhibits low precipitation levels, resulting in arid conditions.

  • Known for its vast salt flats, including the famous Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia.

  • Supports traditional agriculture, particularly the cultivation of quinoa and potatoes.

  • Grazing of livestock, such as llamas and sheep, is also common.

Southern Patagonian

  • Located in Argentina and Chile, in the southernmost regions of South America.

  • Experiences temperatures ranging from -10°C to 5°C, with strong winds and frequent storms.

  • The region has a moderate to low precipitation level, often in the form of snow and rain.

  • Characterized by vast grasslands, fjords, and rugged mountain ranges, including the Andes.

  • Supports diverse wildlife, including guanacos, pumas, Andean condors, and various bird species.

  • Ecotourism and outdoor activities, such as hiking and wildlife observation, contribute to the local economy.

Tierra del Fuego

  • Found in Argentina and Chile, encompassing the Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego and nearby islands.

  • Exhibits a temperature range of -5°C to 10°C, with cool summers and cold winters.

  • The region has a moderate amount of precipitation, with rainfall occurring throughout the year.

  • Known for its unique landscape of fjords, mountains, forests, and peat bogs.

  • Supports tourism, particularly for its stunning natural scenery and wildlife, including penguins and sea lions.

  • Other economic activities include fishing, sheep farming, and oil extraction.


  • Located in northern Chile, along the Pacific coast.

  • Experiences a wide temperature range from -15°C to 25°C, with higher temperatures in lower elevations.

  • Notable for its extremely low precipitation levels, making it one of the driest places on Earth.

  • Features unique geological formations, salt flats (such as the Salar de Atacama), and geothermal activity.

  • Supports mining activities, particularly for copper, nitrate, lithium, and other minerals.

  • The region also attracts scientific research due to its extreme conditions resembling those on Mars.

Campos de Hielo Sur

  • Found in southern Chile, primarily within the Bernardo O'Higgins National Park.

  • Exhibits temperatures ranging from -10°C to 5°C, with colder temperatures in higher elevations.

  • Experiences moderate to high levels of precipitation, mainly in the form of snow and rain.

  • Comprises large ice fields and glaciers, including the Southern Patagonian Ice Field, the third-largest ice mass outside the polar regions.

  • Important for freshwater resources, contributing to the formation of rivers and lakes.

  • Supports biodiversity conservation efforts due to the unique habitats and species found in the area.

Llanos de Challe

  • Located in northern Chile, along the Pacific coast.

  • Has a temperature range of -10°C to 10°C, with milder temperatures in lower elevations.

  • Exhibits low to moderate levels of precipitation, contributing to its arid climate.

  • Characterized by rocky terrain, coastal plains, and sandy beaches.

  • Supports unique plant species adapted to arid conditions, including cacti and shrubs.

  • Conservation efforts aim to protect the region's biodiversity and fragile ecosystems.


  • Found in Chile, within the Torres del Paine National Park.

  • Experiences temperatures ranging from -10°C to 5°C, with colder temperatures in higher elevations.

  • Has a low to moderate amount of precipitation, with rain and snowfall throughout the year.

  • Known for its stunning mountain peaks, including the famous granite towers, glaciers, and turquoise lakes.

  • The region attracts outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers, offering activities such as hiking, camping, and wildlife observation.

  • Conservation efforts focus on preserving the park's unique ecosystems and fragile natural beauty.


  • Located in Argentina, in the Santa Cruz Province.

  • Exhibits temperatures ranging from -10°C to 10°C, with milder temperatures closer to the coast.

  • Has a low to moderate amount of precipitation, with most rainfall occurring in the summer.

  • Characterized by vast steppe landscapes, coastal cliffs, and sandy beaches.

  • Supports fishing activities, particularly for squid and other seafood.

  • Sheep farming and oil extraction are also economic activities in the region.

Gran Bajo de San Julián

  • Found in Argentina, primarily within the Santa Cruz Province.

  • Features a temperature range of -10°C to 10°C, with milder temperatures near the coast.

  • Experiences low to moderate levels of precipitation, with rainfall mainly occurring in the winter.

  • Comprises flat plains and dry riverbeds, with sparse vegetation.

  • Supports sheep farming and other livestock activities.

  • Wildlife, such as guanacos and rheas, can be found in the region.

List of Major Cold Deserts of South America

Here is a table of Major Cold Deserts of South America, their locations, average temperature and precipitation level −



Average Temperature Range

Precipitation Level


Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru

-20°C to 15°C



Bolivia, Peru

-15°C to 20°C


Southern Patagonian

Argentina, Chile

-10°C to 5°C

Low to Moderate

Tierra del Fuego

Argentina, Chile

-5°C to 10°C




-15°C to 25°C

Very Low

Campos de Hielo Sur


-10°C to 5°C

Moderate to High

Llanos de Challe


-10°C to 10°C

Low to Moderate



-10°C to 5°C

Low to Moderate



-10°C to 10°C

Low to Moderate

Gran Bajo de San Julián


-10°C to 10°C

Low to Moderate


The Major Cold Deserts of South America are exceptional examples of unspoiled, harsh beauty. They provide a window into these harsh landscapes. These deserts, which span several nations and encompass a variety of geographies, have distinctive characteristics and offer important insights into how people can adapt to difficult circumstances.

The deserts of the Puna, Altiplano, Southern Patagonian, Tierra del Fuego, Atacama, Campos de Hielo Sur, Llanos de Challe, Paine, Deseado, and Gran Bajo de San Julián are evidence of nature's tenacity and the enthralling forces that create our world. Extreme temperatures, little precipitation, and rocky terrain are the defining characteristics of these cold deserts, which present difficulties for both plant and wildlife. They do, however, also include a startling variety of life forms that have evolved to withstand these challenging circumstances.

These deserts are alluring locations for exploration and scientific research because of their distinctive geological formations, which include salt flats, granite outcrops, and ice fields. The Major Cold Deserts of South America also play a significant part in preserving the region's biological equilibrium. Specialized plant and animal species, some of which are unique to Earth, use them as habitats.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the major cold deserts in South America?

The major cold deserts in South America are the Altiplano, the Patagonian Desert, and the Puna.

What is the climate like in the cold deserts of South America?

The climate in the cold deserts of South America is characterized by extremely low temperatures, limited precipitation, and high winds.

What unique features can be found in the cold deserts of South America?

The cold deserts of South America feature vast expanses of barren land, salt flats, rugged mountains, and unique geological formations.

Are there any wildlife species adapted to the cold desert environment?

Yes, the cold deserts of South America are home to several unique species of plants and animals that have adapted to survive in the harsh conditions.

Are there any human settlements in the cold deserts of South America?

Human settlements in the cold deserts of South America are sparse, with small communities and indigenous populations residing in certain areas.

Can visitors explore the cold deserts of South America?

Yes, visitors can explore and experience the beauty of the cold deserts of South America through guided tours and expeditions.

Are there any conservation efforts to protect the cold deserts of South America?

Yes, various conservation organizations and government agencies are working to protect the fragile ecosystems and biodiversity of the cold deserts in South America.

What challenges do the cold deserts of South America face?

The cold deserts of South America face challenges such as climate change, habitat degradation, and limited water resources, which impact the delicate balance of these ecosystems.

Updated on: 21-Nov-2023


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