Main Components of Java NetBeans IDE

Java developers frequently turn to the Java NetBeans IDE as an integrated development environment to build, manage and test their pieces of code. This open-source software tool comes free-of-charge and enjoys patronage from its supporting organization - Oracle Corporation. Additionally providing users with a plethora of tools complemented by various plugins that add functionality to the software tool whilst boasting an interface that's easy on users' eyes make it exceptionally convenient for adapting newbies' or more experienced programmers in equal measure - not surprising given that Java has taken root among programmers as one of the trending coding languages utilized for developing cross-platform software applications. Although beginners may initially struggle at writing coherent java code snippets, they would receive crucial aid using this tool's interfaces when attempting to debug or find errors made whilst crafting their works.

Syntax of Using Java NetBeans IDE

Efficiency meets convenience when you use NetBeans IDE for coding purposes on your project! This software offers diverse language support covering Java to PHP among others- just pick your preferred language! Syntax highlighting is enabler here meaning users can identify specific parts within their code speedily- take note variables or comments plus many more crucial elements can be highlighted too. Developers will also appreciate the available features like Code completion together with formatting that aid smooth operations enabling coders to create concise error-free codes in no time at all! As the developer types, the code completion feature suggests code fragments and method names, saving time and minimizing errors. Code formatting guarantees that the code adheres to accepted coding practices and is consistent and simple to understand.

Different Approaches of Using Java NetBeans IDE

The Integrated Development Environment (IDE) known as Java NetBeans is widely appreciated by the community of professionals working on the Java platform, due to its comprehensive repertoire of key features that enable optimal development output and efficacy. To leverage these features effectively, there exist multiple approaches one could take - here are a few reference codes and their resultant outputs −

Approach1: Using Project Explorer

To streamline the organization and administration of your Java projects. NetBeans offers the Project Explorer function. This vital feature facilitates starting a new Java project in NetBeans. As illustrated below.

  • Upon starting NetBeans, select "New Project" from the welcome screen.

  • Select "Java" from the list of categories and "Java Application" from the list of projects.

  • After entering the project name and location, click "Next".

  • After selecting "Finish," NetBeans will generate a fresh Java project for you.

After setting up your project. The Project Explorer becomes an essential tool for managing its relevant files and folders. To incorporate a new Java class into your project please refer to this simple guideline −

  • Click "New > Java Class" from the context menu when you right-click the project in Project Explorer.

  • Give your new class a name and a package name.

  • After you select "Finish," NetBeans will produce a fresh Java class for you.

Approach 2: Using the Code Editor

If you intend to work on your Java code using NetBeans software. The Code Editor will be your primary tool. In order to craft a fundamental "Hello, World!" program utilizing this editor. Refer to these instructions −

  • Create a new Java project and class as described in the previous example.

  • In the Code Editor, type the following code −


public class HelloWorld {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      System.out.println("Hello, World!");
  • Save the file and run the program by clicking on "Run" in the toolbar or by pressing F6.


Hello, World!

Approach 3: Using The Debugger

The NetBeans Debugger offers great assistance in detecting and solving complications in your Java codes. Refer to this sample demonstration for guidance on how to progress through elementary Java programs with ease, using the tool.

  • Create a new Java project and class, just like in the previous example.

  • In the Code Editor, type the following code −


public class DebugExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      int x = 5;
      int y = 10;
      int sum = x + y;
      System.out.println("The sum of " + x + " and " + y + " is " + sum);
  • To set a breakpoint on the line that initializes the "sum" variable, click on the left side of the line number.

  • Press Shift+F5 to start the program in debug mode, or choose the "Debug" option from the toolbar.

  • To go through the program, press F8 or click the "Step Over" option in the toolbar.

  • Track how the variable values change as you move through the program.

  • Fix any errors you find and keep debugging the program up until it runs well.


The sum of 5 and 10 is 15

Approach 4: Using the GUI Builder

The process of creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for Java applications has never been simpler than with NetBeans' GUI Builder tool. By using this feature. Tedious manual coding can be eliminated entirely. To learn how to quickly put together a basic GUI in NetBeans follow these easy steps −

  • As in the examples before, start a new Java project.

  • Select "New > JFrame Form" from the context menu when you right-click the project in Project Explorer.

  • Type a class name for your new JFrame and click "Finish".

  • To design your GUI, drag and drop elements from the Palette onto your JFrame.

  • To design your GUI, drag and drop elements from the Palette onto your JFrame.

  • Use the Properties window to modify the components' properties.

  • Create code to handle events like menu selections or button clicks.

  • Launch your program by hitting F6 or clicking "Run" in the toolbar.

An output GUI window containing the extra JFrame components.

Approach 5: Using the Maven Integration

Apache Maven is widely recognized and utilized by developers to support efficient builds on Java projects. To facilitate an even more efficient workflow for developers. NetBeans offers seamless integration with this beloved tool. Within NetBeans. Managing project dependencies through Apache Maven has never been easier - take a look at this illustration to see how it works!

  • In NetBeans, select "New Project > Maven > Maven Project" from the welcome page to start a new Maven project.

  • Click "Next" after selecting a project archetype.

  • Type in a group ID, an artefact ID, and a version for your project before clicking "Finish".

  • In the Project Explorer, open the pom.xml file, and by adding XML code to the file, add dependencies to your project.

  • After saving the pom.xml file, use Maven to download and install the dependencies for your project.

  • In NetBeans, create and execute your project as you would a typical Java project.

Using the dependencies, you provided using Maven, your project is created and executed.

Different Components of Java NetBeans IDE


NetBeans IDE features a visually driven graphical user interface (GUI) that lends itself to streamlined development processes. This includes its properties panel, project explorer and editing windows - all designed to empower developers in creating, managing and testing their Java applications with ease. The editor window allows developers to write code and includes features like syntax highlighting, code completion, and code formatting. The project explorer displays the project's structure, including its source code, libraries, and dependencies. Using the properties window, developers may view and modify the characteristics of various application components, including as buttons, labels, and text fields.

Code Editor

A crucial component within the NetBeans IDE is its dynamic code editor. Equipped with features such as syntax highlighting, auto completion options, and formatting capabilities – it vastly streamlines the creation of legible and optimized coding practices. The code editor also includes robust debugging tools like breakpoints, watches, and call stacks to assist programmers in finding and fixing flaws in their code. The code editor also has a real-time error highlighting function that alerts developers to mistakes as they type, saving them time and reducing errors.

Project Explorer

The NetBeans IDE's project explorer persists as an essential segment of the program's utilities. Its function involves providing comprehensive insights into Java projects by showcasing essential components like dependencies, libraries and source codes altogether. It further empowers developers to proficiently regulate their project files with amenities such as creating new classes or editing existing ones. It also provides handy tools like search and replace, which let developers to find and edit text inside a project.


The debugger in the NetBeans IDE aids in finding and repairing issues in Java programs. Debugging software gives programmers effective tools like breakpoints, watches, and call stacks to monitor and examine the behavior of their code. Additionally, the debugger offers step-by-step execution, which enables programmers to run code one line at a time, making it simpler to spot flaws and mistakes.


The profiler in the NetBeans IDE aids in locating Java applications' performance bottlenecks. Developers may monitor method calls, track CPU and memory utilization, and examine thread behavior using the profiler. It is simpler to pinpoint areas for improvement when using the profiler's graphical representations of the application's performance.

Version Control

Source code management just got easier with the availability of version control in the NetBeans IDE – a much-needed tool for any programmer. This feature enables developers can seamlessly oversee any adjustments made on their codes and actively participate in joint development activities with colleagues. Furthermore,, developers are ableto refer back to earlier versions effortlessly; thanks to this valuable functionality ensures that errors truly do become corrected without additional issuesthat arise due because of faulty codes.. Different systems like Git Subversionand Mercurial come fully supported so users can conveniently select their preferred system within the familiar environment in NetBeans.


One benefit of using NetBeans IDE is its capacity for increased functionality through compatible downloadable plugins exclusively available from this remarkable tool's library.The variety of options seamlessly supported includes enhancing unique user experiences influencing specific requirements such as dedicated support for selectedprogramming languages,freeware or specific API's.Take control over your project workflow with built-in impeccable testing methodologies suited for your preferences ensuring seamless debugging each time.Its central plug in manager aids quick installation allowing every user optimal live updates toward satisfying any user's current needs.


In conclusion, we have determined that utilizing Java NetBeans IDE is a crucial component towards advancing in the field of Java development. With its diverse range of highly efficient tools at your disposal including syntax highlighting options coupled with exceptional code completion features makes writing clear as well as efficient codes an easy process for even novice users too.The application's project explorer further simplifies organizing your coding project while the included debugging functionalities along with its profiler system make troubleshooting performance related issues on any application you're building seamless.In addition,it allows for straight forward management of complex plugins in conjunction with version control options making it easily customizable to any developer’s need no matter their proficiency level . Overall ,these traits ensure that usingthe powerful capabilites included within NnetbeansIDE could lead to significant success in development for programmers willing to utilize all advantages afforded them by this tool.

Updated on: 28-Jul-2023


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