Launch Website URL Shortcut using Python

Python is an easy-to-use and robust programming language that offers many features that go beyond basic math operations and data manipulation. Direct web interaction, including the option to launch website URL shortcuts, is one such convenient feature. This post will examine a Python-based method for achieving this. To help you understand the procedure, we'll provide you a few real-world examples.

Importance of Launching Website URL Shortcut using Python

The ability of Python to launch website URLs can be a huge benefit for many applications. Python can be used, for example, to automate some web-based processes, test online applications, scrape the web, open many URLs at once, or make desktop shortcuts to frequently visited websites.

Understanding Python Libraries for URL Launch

The webbrowser module will be mostly used to launch a website URL in Python. You don't need to install this library individually because it comes with Python by default. The webbrowser module offers a high-level interface that enables users to view documents that are hosted on the Web.

How to Launch Website URL using Python: Step-by-Step Guide

Let's look at how to use Python's webbrowser module to open a website URL.

  • Import the Module

    Import the webbrowser module into your Python script to get started.

import webbrowser
  • Use the open() function

    The open() function, which can be used to launch a website URL, is part of the webbrowser module.'')

The above code snippet will launch your default web browser and open the URL ""

Examples of Launching Website URLs using Python

To better understand how this capability might be used in various settings, let's dive into some real-world examples.

  • Opening a Single Website URL

    Here is a straightforward Python example of starting a single website URL:

import webbrowser'')

This script will launch your default web browser and open the Google homepage.

  • Opening Multiple Website URLs

    Multiple URLs can be opened simultaneously with Python's help. Imagine that we wish to simultaneously open YouTube, Facebook, and Google. How would you go about doing it?

import webbrowser

urls = ['', '', '']

for url in urls:

This script launches your usual online browser and opens each of the specified websites in a new tab.

  • Opening a URL in a New Window

    Use the open_new() function to open a URL in a new window as opposed to a new tab. Here's an illustration:

import webbrowser

The above-mentioned script launches your default web browser and opens the supplied URL in a new window.


In conclusion, the Python webbrowser module provides a straightforward yet efficient method of web interaction. This includes opening website URLs in new windows or launching individual or many websites. Keep in mind that this is only the edge of Python's web interaction capabilities; the language also allows for the downloading of content, scraping of web pages, communicating with APIs, and much more.

Python is a fantastic alternative for a variety of tasks as it gains popularity due to its extensive standard library and robust ecosystem of third-party packages. Understanding how to use Python to launch and interact with websites is a valuable ability whether you're a web developer trying to automate some of your workflow, a data scientist needing to scrape data from the web, or a hobbyist looking to improve your Python skills.

Always use these tools sensibly and adhere to the standards established by the website owners. Make cautious to apply these strategies in an ethical and courteous manner because automated web interactions can be perceived as intrusive or even dangerous if used improperly.

In this article, we looked at several simple Python examples of launching website URLs. The 'webbrowser' module offers additional features that weren't addressed here, such opening URLs in particular web browsers.

Updated on: 17-Jul-2023


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