Label in Python GTK+ 3


Python is a flexible language that is well-liked for its ease of use and wide range of library support. With the help of one of these libraries, GTK+ 3, Python may employ Graphical User Interface (GUI) development to help construct aesthetically appealing and user-friendly apps. The label widget, which is frequently used to show text or captions in an application's interface, is a crucial part of every GUI application. The label widget in Python GTK+ 3 is the subject of this article, which also includes usage examples.

Understanding Labels in Python GTK+ 3

The core building blocks of GUI applications in Python GTK+ 3 are labels. A label typically shows text that users are unable to change. It can display any relevant text on the application interface, including descriptions and instructions.

Because Python GTK+ 3 comes with an integrated Label class, creating labels is simple. It is possible to make a label's text interactive so that it can react to user actions. The label widget also supports Pango markup, allowing programmers to style, format, and even add links to the text.

Diving into Python GTK+ 3 Label Examples

Example 1: Basic Label Creation

Learning how to make a basic label is the first step to learning the use of labels in Python GTK+ 3. Here is how to go about it:

import gi
gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
from gi.repository import Gtk

class LabelWindow(Gtk.Window):
   def __init__(self):
      Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title="Hello, GTK+ 3 Labels!")

      # Create a label
      label = Gtk.Label("Hello, world!")

win = LabelWindow()
win.connect("destroy", Gtk.main_quit)

In this snippet of code, we first import the required libraries before utilising the Gtk.Window class to build a window. A label with the words "Hello, world!" is then created and added to the window.

Example 2: Label with Markup

Pango markup can be supported by labels in Python GTK+ 3, enabling you to format and design the label text. Here's an illustration:

import gi
gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
from gi.repository import Gtk

class LabelWindow(Gtk.Window):
   def __init__(self):
      Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title="GTK+ 3 Labels with Markup!")

      # Create a label with markup
      label = Gtk.Label()
      label.set_markup("<big><b>Hello, world!</b></big>")

win = LabelWindow()
win.connect("destroy", Gtk.main_quit)

The text on the label in this instance is "Hello, world!" and it has been bolded and enlarged with Pango markup.

Example 3: Interactive Label

Additionally, interactive labels can be created, enabling users to select and work with the label text. Here's how to use Python GTK+ 3 to make an interactive label:

import gi
gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
from gi.repository import Gtk

class LabelWindow(Gtk.Window):
   def __init__(self):
      Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title="Interactive GTK+ 3 Labels!")

      # Create an interactive label
      label = Gtk.Label("Click and drag to select me!")

win = LabelWindow()

The label text in this example is made selectable by users using the'set_selectable(True)' method. When you want the user to be able to copy text for use elsewhere, this can be quite helpful.

Maximizing the Use of Labels in Python GTK+ 3

Although straightforward, labels in Python GTK+ 3 provide a variety of opportunities for improving the user experience. They primarily serve to convey information, instructions, or descriptions within the programme interface by displaying uneditable text.

Labels can do more than just show text when Pango markup is supported. They can be formatted and stylised to fit the GUI's general design, which enhances readability and aesthetic appeal. Additionally, users are given the ability to interact more actively with the programme by configuring labels to be interactive, such as by copying information for use elsewhere.

In addition to being used alone, labels frequently collaborate with other widgets. They might explain how a text entry field works or annotate pictures and icons, for example. Therefore, becoming an expert label user opens the door to developing more sophisticated and user-friendly GUI apps.


Finally, the Python GTK+ 3 label widget is a flexible tool that adds educational, descriptive, and interactive text elements to GUI programmes. Python GTK+ 3 gives developers the flexibility to create aesthetically pleasing and user-focused apps thanks to the ability to customise labels using Pango markup. Developers may significantly improve the user experience and engagement of their GUI projects by comprehending and utilising the power of labels. Always keep in mind that when developing a GUI, even the most basic widgets, like labels, can have a significant impact.

Updated on: 17-Jul-2023


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