kaiser in Numpy - Python

kaiser in Numpy – Python: Introduction

A typical windowing function in signal processing and data analysis is the Kaiser window. Applications like spectral analysis, filter design, and windowed Fourier transforms all benefit greatly from it. A popular windowing function that is essential to many signal processing and data analysis applications is the Kaiser window. The Kaiser window offers a versatile and adaptable tool to manage the trade-off between the main lobe width and the sidelobe levels in any application, including spectrum analysis, filter design, and windowed Fourier transforms.

The Kaiser window significantly reduces spectrum leakage artefacts and signal leakage, which enhances the precision and dependability of data analysis methods. In order to show the Kaiser window's strength and adaptability in Python programming, we will examine its concept, syntax, implementation in NumPy, and practical applications in this article.

kaiser in Numpy - Python

Definition of the Kaiser Window

The trade-off between the main lobe width and the sidelobe level can be managed using the parameterized windowing function known as the Kaiser window, often referred to as the Kaiser-Bessel window. It is intended to reduce leakage, which happens when the signal of interest during spectral analysis is dispersed across adjacent frequency bins.


The numpy.kaiser function in NumPy can be used to create the Kaiser window and has the following syntax −

numpy.kaiser(M, beta, sym=True)

Here, M stands for the window's length, beta determines its form, and sym designates whether or not the window should be symmetric.

Explaining the Syntax

  • 'M' − The window's length, usually a positive integer greater than zero.

  • ‘beta’ − The Kaiser window's shape parameter. It regulates the compromise between sidelobe level and main lobe breadth. While lower levels broaden the main lobes and increase sidelobes, larger values of beta result in narrower main lobes but higher sidelobes. Usually, it is a positive real number.

  • ‘sym’ − A non-mandatory parameter that controls whether or not the window should be symmetric. The resulting window will be symmetrical if set to True.


  • Step 1 − Import the necessary libraries

  • Step 2 − Define the parameters for the Kaiser window

  • Step 3 − Generate the Kaiser window using ‘numpy.kaiser’

  • Step 4 − Plot the Kaiser window

  • Step 5 − Examine the resulting window plot to see how sidelobe levels and main lobe width are affected by one another.


  • Approach 1 − Kaiser Window for Spectrum Analysis

  • Approach 2 − Kaiser Window for Filter Design

Approach 1: Kaiser Window for Spectrum Analysis


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Generate a signal
N = 1024  # Number of samples
fs = 1000  # Sampling frequency
t = np.arange(N) / fs
f = 10  # Frequency of the signal
signal = np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * t)

# Apply the Kaiser window
window = np.kaiser(N, beta=10)
windowed_signal = signal * window

# Perform Fourier transform
spectrum = np.fft.fft(windowed_signal)
freq = np.fft.fftfreq(N, 1 / fs)

# Plot the spectrum
plt.plot(freq, np.abs(spectrum))
plt.title('Kaiser Window Spectrum Analysis')
plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')


Explanation of Approach 1

In this approach, we analyse the spectrum of a given signal using the Kaiser window. The Kaiser window is applied to a sinusoidal signal that we generate. The Fourier transform is then applied to the windowed signal to get the frequency spectrum. We may examine the spectral properties of the signal, including the main lobe width and sidelobe levels, by looking at the ensuing spectrum map.

A graphic displaying the frequency spectrum of a sinusoidal signal after the Kaiser window has been applied would be the output of the provided code. The y-axis of the figure shows the magnitude of the spectrum, while the x-axis denotes frequency in Hz.

The main lobe width and sidelobe levels, as well as other spectral properties of the signal, would be displayed in the ensuing graphic. The Kaiser window's characteristics, such as the window length and shape parameter (beta), will determine the precise shape and distribution of the main lobe and sidelobes.

When processing signals, such as detecting dominant frequencies or filtering out undesired frequencies, you can identify the frequency components that are present in the signal and their magnitudes by analysing the plot.

Approach 2: Kaiser Window for Filter Design


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import signal

# Filter specifications
N = 101  # Filter order
fs = 1000  # Sampling frequency
fc = 100  # Cutoff frequency
taps = signal.firwin(N, fc, fs=fs, window=('kaiser', 8))

# Plot the filter coefficients
plt.title('Kaiser Window FIR Filter Coefficients')


The Kaiser window is used in this strategy to create a finite impulse response (FIR) filter. We indicate the preferred cutoff frequency, sampling frequency, and filter order. The Kaiser window is applied to the scipy.signal.firwin function to produce the filter coefficients. The frequency response characteristics are then depicted by plotting the resulting filter coefficients.

A stem plot showing the filter coefficients of the FIR filter created using the Kaiser window would be the output of the code given. The tap index is shown by the x-axis of the figure, while the size of the filter coefficients is shown by the y-axis.

The magnitude values of the filter coefficients are displayed in the stem plot, which also shows the filter's frequency response properties. The chosen filter order, cutoff frequency, and shape parameter (beta) applied to the Kaiser window will determine the precise form and values of the coefficients.

You can learn more about the passband characteristics, stopband attenuation, and general filter shape by examining the plot, which shows the frequency response of the constructed filter. Applications for this information include signal filtering, noise reduction, and signal reconstruction.


The Kaiser window, which offers control over the main lobe width and sidelobe levels, is a flexible tool for signal processing and data analysis. The definition and syntax of the Kaiser window in NumPy were covered in this article. Additionally, we demonstrated its applications in spectrum analysis and filter construction using two real-world strategies. You can improve your Python signal processing and analysis duties by comprehending and efficiently utilising the Kaiser window.

Updated on: 13-Oct-2023


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