Controlgroup Minisized Widget


You can display the controlgroup in small size using the data-mini = "true" attribute.


Following example describes the use of controlgroup minisized widget in the jQuery Mobile Framework.

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>Controlgroup Minisized</title>
      <meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width, initial-scale = 1">
      <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "">
      <script src = ""></script>
      <script src = ""></script>

      <h2>Minisized Vertical Controlgroup</h2>
      <div data-role = "controlgroup" data-mini = "true">
         <a href = "#" class = "ui-btn ui-icon-home ui-btn-icon-left">Left Icon</a>
         <a href = "#" class = "ui-btn ui-icon-home ui-btn-icon-right">Right Icon</a>
         <a href = "#" class = "ui-btn ui-icon-home ui-btn-icon-top">Top Icon</a>
         <a href = "#" class = "ui-btn ui-icon-home ui-btn-icon-bottom">Bottom Icon</a>
      <h2>Minisized Horizontal Controlgroup</h2>
      <div data-role = "controlgroup" data-type = "horizontal" data-mini = "true">
         <a href = "#" class = "ui-btn ui-icon-home ui-btn-icon-left">Left Icon</a>
         <a href = "#" class = "ui-btn ui-icon-home ui-btn-icon-right">Right Icon</a>
         <a href = "#" class = "ui-btn ui-icon-home ui-btn-icon-top">Top Icon</a>
         <a href = "#" class = "ui-btn ui-icon-home ui-btn-icon-bottom">Bottom Icon</a>


Let's carry out the following steps to see how the above code works −

  • Save the above html code as jqm_controlgroup_minisized.html file in your server root folder.

  • Open this HTML file as http://localhost/jqm_controlgroup_minisized.html and the following output will be displayed.
