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Java - The Stack Class

Stack is a subclass of Vector that implements a standard last-in, first-out stack.

Stack only defines the default constructor, which creates an empty stack. Stack includes all the methods defined by Vector, and adds several of its own.

Stack( )

Apart from the methods inherited from its parent class Vector, Stack defines the following methods −

Sr.No. Method & Description
1 boolean empty()

This method tests if this stack is empty.

2 E peek()

This method looks at the object at the top of this stack without removing it from the stack.

3 E pop()

This method removes the object at the top of this stack and returns that object as the value of this function.

4 E push(E item)

This method pushes an item onto the top of this stack.

5 int search(Object o)

This method returns the 1-based position where an object is on this stack.


The following program illustrates several of the methods supported by this collection −

import java.util.*;
public class StackDemo {

   static void showpush(Stack st, int a) {
      st.push(new Integer(a));
      System.out.println("push(" + a + ")");
      System.out.println("stack: " + st);

   static void showpop(Stack st) {
      System.out.print("pop -> ");
      Integer a = (Integer) st.pop();
      System.out.println("stack: " + st);

   public static void main(String args[]) {
      Stack st = new Stack();
      System.out.println("stack: " + st);
      showpush(st, 42);
      showpush(st, 66);
      showpush(st, 99);
      try {
      } catch (EmptyStackException e) {
         System.out.println("empty stack");

This will produce the following result −


stack: [ ]
stack: [42]
stack: [42, 66]
stack: [42, 66, 99]
pop -> 99
stack: [42, 66]
pop -> 66
stack: [42]
pop -> 42
stack: [ ]
pop -> empty stack