Inverse Error Function of Given Number in Golang

The inverse error function (erf⁻¹) is the inverse function of the error function (erf) which is used to calculate the probability of a normally distributed random variable falling within a certain range of values. In this article, we will discuss how to calculate the inverse error function of a given number using Golang.

Understanding the Error Function

Before we dive into the inverse error function, it is important to understand what the error function is and how it works. The error function is defined as −

erf(x) = (2/√π) ∫₀  ˣ e⁻ᵗ² dt

This function is used to calculate the probability that a normally distributed random variable falls within a certain range of values. The error function takes a real number as input and returns a real number between -1 and 1.

Calculating the Inverse Error Function in Golang

The inverse error function can be calculated using the math package in Golang. The math package provides the Erf function which calculates the error function. To calculate the inverse error function, we need to use the Erfcinv function which is defined as −

Erfcinv(x float64) float64

This function takes a float64 value between 0 and 2 and returns the inverse error function of that value.


Here's an example of how to use the Erfcinv function to calculate the inverse error function of a given number −

package main

import (

func main() {
   x := 0.2
   y := math.Erfcinv(x)



In this example, we have defined a variable x with a value of 0.2. We then use the math.Erfcinv function to calculate the inverse error function of x and store it in the variable y. Finally, we print out the value of y.


The inverse error function is a mathematical function used to calculate the inverse of the error function. It is an important tool for calculating the probability of normally distributed random variables falling within a certain range of values. In Golang, the inverse error function can be calculated using the Erfcinv function provided by the math package.

Updated on: 25-Apr-2023


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