Finding Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine of Specified Number in Golang

Golang is a statically typed, compiled programming language that is popular among developers for its simplicity, concurrency support, and garbage collection. In this article, we will discuss how to find the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a specified number in Golang.

The inverse hyperbolic cosine function is used to find the angle whose hyperbolic cosine is equal to a given number. It is denoted as acosh(x), where x is the input value.

Golang provides the math package that includes various mathematical functions, including the Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine function. We can use the math.Acosh() function to find the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a specified number in Golang.


The syntax for using the math.Acosh() function is as follows −

func Acosh(x float64) float64

The Acosh() function takes a float64 value as input and returns its inverse hyperbolic cosine as a float64 value.

Example 1

Let's take an example to understand how to use the Acosh() function in Golang.

package main

import (

func main() {
   x := 1.5

   // Finding Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine of x
   result := math.Acosh(x)

   fmt.Printf("Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine of %.2f is %.2f", x, result)


Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine of 1.50 is 0.96

In the above example, we have used the math.Acosh() function to find the inverse hyperbolic cosine of 1.5. The output is 0.96

Example 2

package main

import (

func main() {
   x := 3.14
   y := 1 / math.Sqrt(x*x-1)
   result := math.Log(x + y)

   fmt.Printf("The inverse hyperbolic cosine of %.2f is %.2f\n", x, result)


The inverse hyperbolic cosine of 3.14 is 1.25

In this example, we first define the value of x as 3.14. We then calculate the value of y using the formula 1 / sqrt(x^2 - 1). Finally, we calculate the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x using the formula ln(x + y) and store the result in the variable result. We then print out the result using the fmt.Printf function.


In this article, we have discussed how to find the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a specified number in Golang using the math.Acosh() function. We have also provided an example to illustrate how to use this function in Golang.

Updated on: 12-Apr-2023


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