Installing MySQL Using Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN)

Let us understand how to install MySQL with the help of ULN −

Linux support many different ways of installing MySQL. One of the methods is installing it from Oracle’s Unbreakable Linux Network, which is also known as ULN.

More information about Oracle Linux and ULN can be found here-

Install Unbreakable Linux Network

Let us understand how MySQL can be installed using ULN, i.e Unbreakable Linux Network. To use ULN, a ULN login needs to be obtained.

Once this is done, the machine which is used for installation with ULN has to be registered. It supports both community and commercial packages.

Community Version

The community versions have one channel each for MySQL server version, like ‘MySQL 8.0’, and they are available to all ULN users.

Community Version

The commercial versions have three channels, like MySQL 8.0 Commercial Server, MySQL 8.0 Connectors Commercial, and MySQL 8.0 Tools Commercial. The commercial MySQL ULN packages can be accessed at and it requires the user to provide a CSI with a valid commercial license for MySQL (Enterprise or Standard).

The appropriate CSI ensures that the commercial MySQL subscription channels are available in the user’s ULN GUI interface.

Oracle Linux 8 provides support for MySQL 8.

Once MySQL has been installed using the ULN, information on starting and stopping the server, and more, can be understood. If the package source is being changed to use ULN but the build of MySQL being used is not changed, then a backup of the user data needs to be taken, existing binaries have to be removed, and replaced with those from ULN.

If a build is changed, the data backup needs to be a dump (mysqldump or mysqlpump or from MySQL Shell's backup utility). This is done so that it is available when required to rebuild the data after the new binaries are in place.

Updated on: 08-Mar-2021


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