Important Marketing Concepts to Become a Successful Management Expert

While marketing a product or service can seem difficult, it is actually quite simple. Identifying demand, determining its price and selecting a distribution channel are the most important parts of the process. The final piece of the puzzle is developing an effective promotion strategy.

Marketing includes all of the different parts and phases in order to create, communicate, and deliver to customer needs. The process continues even after that.

The first step to earning more profit from your marketing is finding a way to generate revenue. This typically comes from developing strong branding, creating customer loyalty and protecting against competition, which increases your company's bargaining power and gains you more profits.

Top Concepts of Marketing That You Should Understand

Understand marketing concepts that can increase your profitability. This includes strategies such as customer loyalty, buzz marketing, and buying behaviors. Here are some concepts to keep in mind −

  • Production Concept − This is one of the oldest and most popular marketing concepts, which says that the less expensive and more readily available a product is, the more likely consumers can buy it. To increase the likelihood that customers will purchase a product, it's important to make the purchase process as simple and easy as possible.

  • Product Concept − Some of the most successful products are based on what consumers want and need. This leads to continuous improvements and upgrades to existing products, or new, innovative products that challenge traditional boundaries. This approach is important for success in sales.

  • Selling Concept − Companies that put all of their energy into marketing and promotion sometimes go too far to the point where they're not even meeting customer demand. With the emphasis on quantity, their selling concept is focused on creating sales transactions with a high number of customers. As a result, it's important to focus on reaching as many consumers as possible.

  • Marketing Concept − Marketing services are a great strategy for companies who want to address customer needs and wants in order to generate sales. The company focuses on the customer's experience, but the product becomes the solution or product that fits the customer's needs and wants.

  • Social Media Marketing Concept − Great marketing concepts learn how to bridge the gap between consumer and social needs. Social marketing concepts rely on the idea that a product or service will provide value to both parties. When you're considering eco−friendly, low−waste or recyclable products, it's time to consider social marketing.

7P’s of Marketing

Solid marketing plans are based on the 7 P's, Product, Price, Promotion, Place, People (or Positioning), Packaging, and Process.

  • Product − Remember that whatever you sell, you want to make sure it's clear for the customer. Your products and services should encompass everything you communicate. Focus on getting the right message out to your audience so that they know how to position your products in their market. Knowing how to share information about your products will make all the difference.

  • Price − When you’re ready to post your products or services, be sure to provide the essential details about pricing. For example, if you offer a one−time transaction with no fees, this detail can help customers make better decisions. Also be sure to determine the pricing range for your product and stick to that range in your marketing materials.

  • Promotions − Promotional activities are done in order to spread awareness of your product or service. They can take many different forms, such as launches, direct marketing, and live streams. Engaging customers about your product also relies on promotional activities. Promotion is a crucial part of marketing strategy that can increase sales and help you reach your company's goals.

  • Place − It sounds like a simple concept, but location can be one of the most important components to consider. Even if your product is online−only, consumers need to see it in person before they'll purchase it. So, it's key for marketers to focus on where their products are placement in order to attract customer attention and create success.

  • People − The goal of marketing a product is to help satisfy the needs of consumers. This includes creating content that is relatable. Reviews can spread the word, so that's why it makes sense for us to focus on reviews in creating the marketing strategy.

  • Process − Besides taking into consideration the process of how your product is delivered to customers, you will also want to consider brand awareness. Social responsibility is an essential part of customer acquisition, and it needs to be taken into consideration when developing a strategy.

  • Physical Evidence − To ensure your website visitors are aware of the reasons why they should click "add to basket," make sure your marketing materials are targeted towards them. This can be done in a variety of ways, including by placing this info on product packaging, retail displays, and even through your website's content.

What is the best course to take to become a Successful Marketing Expert?

A Master's degree in Marketing opens many doors to a variety of career opportunities in a multitude of industries, including FM&C, retail, banking, IT sector, and "e−enabled services."

There are many different job positions available, including Brand Manager, Marketing Manager, Product Manager, Media Planner, and Digital Marketer.

How to improve your skills as a Marketing expert?

Here are some options you might consider if you want to work in marketing management. They include getting an online bachelor's degree or taking courses at a community college.

If you're short on time and have a marketing course or program that needs to be completed, you can take a look at Tutorialspoint, Udemy, and Coursera for some inexpensive options. Another option is to get an internship or apprenticeship through Arcadium.


Market dynamics, technology, recessionary trends, and competition are among the challenges faced by marketing managers today. Today, monopolizing a market with one product is no longer an option. Even Apple struggles with competition from other companies that produce similar products.

Marketing managers are tasked with many responsibilities, one of which is to have a good sense of aesthetics. This helps the design team come up with ways to make the packaging and logos look great without spending a lot of money. They also need to work within a limited budget for promotional activities in order to yield an online ROI.

Updated on: 20-Dec-2022


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