How To Use Technical SEO To Increase Organic Traffic

Increasing organic search traffic is, and always will be, a top priority for every business with an online presence. There are precise SEO guidelines that must be adhered to see an increase in organic traffic. Several search engine optimisation (SEO) strategies may boost your organic traffic, and certain technical SEO methods may also be useful.

How Can I Boost My Organic Search Engine Rankings With Technical SEO?

Make a Sitemap To Organize Your New Material

One of Google's three primary ranking criteria is content. Having a blog may hasten the rate at which your material is indexed. You may increase your rankings and, by extension, your organic traffic by maintaining an active blog that regularly publishes high-quality, intelligent material supported by authoritative links.

Better indexing is the net result of regularly updated material. A question, however, begets another: if you produce a lot of information, you may want to consider developing a well-optimized sitemap.

Finally, has it been submitted to Google's Search Console? Check for Google's extra problems and recommendations once you've posted your sitemap. Sitemaps should be fixed and updated often to reflect changes to your site.

Improve User Experience And Click-Through Rate By Using Video And Structured Data

Cisco said that in 2014, video accounted for 64% of all internet traffic. In 2015, Searchmetrics published a white paper claiming that 85% of all videos included in Google's online search results were hosted on YouTube and that 55% of all keyword searches in the US returned at least one video. In addition, Cisco predicted in 2016 that by 2020, consumer internet traffic would be composed of more than 80% online movies.

Google has been experimenting with auto-playing video in search results this year. These tendencies indicate Google's seriousness towards content types like video.

It seems that Google considers such factors when determining a site's position in the search results.

Some guidelines for producing quality video material are as follows −

  • Consult tutorial videos

  • Post your video for indexing by search engines.

  • Make use of keyword phrases

  • Build a video sitemap.

  • Insert transcript text

Nevertheless, structured data may also help you boost your organic traffic and click-through rate. These values inform how search engines should classify and index your material. Despite the lack of causation between the two, using structured data may greatly increase your site's exposure in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Increase Your Site's Velocity

Internet speed is crucial. Don't get me wrong. Google may penalise your site's ranking somewhat if it loads slowly and takes too long to react.

You can't afford to disregard this technical SEO factor.

To choose which free tool best suits your needs, consider using the ones below −

  • GTMetrix

  • Pingdom

  • The Google PageSpeed Tools

Make use of the Core Web Vitals score offered by these instruments. If your site is slow in either the desktop or mobile versions of the Core Web Vitals test, you may fix it by implementing these services' suggestions. Users' patience will wear thin if they wait too long for your site to load.

Image Optimisation For Your Website

Please choose a compressed picture format like JPG for the bulk of your postings. You may reduce the time it takes for your site's pages to load by enabling browser caching, which stores data temporarily on a visitor's computer.

Compress your website's HTML and CSS files to decrease their overall size by 50-70%, which Yahoo claims will greatly improve your site's load time. Google recommends a server response time of fewer than 200 milliseconds. Use a content distribution network (CDN) - If you want your website to load faster, use a content delivery network (CDN) like Cloudflare.

To Prevent The Loss Of Organic Visitors, You Should Redirect 404 errors

The 404 error "Page not found" is shown anytime a user attempts to access a page that does not exist on your site. You may export a list of 404-returning URLs by sorting them using an SEO crawler. Then you may use 301 redirects to send them to the updated versions. Make sure all the link juice goes to the new page using the rel=canonical element.

Improving Your Hreflang Tags

The purpose of hreflang tags is to provide internal links between sites that are essentially identical but cater to various audiences based on language and location. It guarantees that the appropriate people using the proper version of Google will see the right material and pages when they search. Two hreflang tags are shown here, one for French speakers in France and one for French speakers in Canada.

  • The two tags would show up on both web pages. This would make it such that individuals looking in Canada using would be sent to the appropriate page, and people searching in France using would be directed to the appropriate page.

  • It serves a similar purpose to the canonical tag, indicating when a page has a duplicate. Nonetheless, it facilitates Google's indexing of local material in regional SERPs. It also aids in improving how Google scans these pages and passes confidence across sites.

Boost Your Site's Internal Links

An internal link is a link to another page inside the same website. Although internal links may not have as much of an impact on search engine results as external connections, they are nevertheless vital to creating a site layout that is favourable to search engines.

So, how can you best improve the internal links on your site? To get a feel for the keywords, the source page aims for, Moz suggests utilizing descriptive keywords in anchor text. If you link to a new blog post from an authoritative page on your site, search engines will treat the new article as if it had always been there.


Even if you publish the most interesting, keyword-optimized content, no one will read it or use your site if it isn't optimized for search engines and people. You must use technical SEO tactics if you want your website to be easily searchable, indexed, and ranked. You can be certain that people will be able to access your site from any device, that they will be able to navigate it easily, and that they will be able to locate the information and services they need.

Updated on: 20-Apr-2023


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