How to use Boto3 to get the specified version table definition of a database from AWS Glue Data Catalog?

Problem Statement − Use boto3 library in Python to retrieve the table definition of a database.

Example − Retrieve the table definition of a database ‘QA-test’ and table as ‘security’ for version 2.

Approach/Algorithm to solve this problem

Step 1 − Import boto3 and botocore exceptions to handle exceptions.

Step 2database_name, table_name and version_id is the mandatory parameter. It fetches definition of given table for a specified version.

Step 3 − Create an AWS session using boto3 library. Make sure region_name is mentioned in default profile. If it is not mentioned, then explicitly pass the region_name while creating the session.

Step 4 − Create an AWS client for glue.

Step 5 − Now use get_table_version function and pass the database_name as DatabaseName, table_name as TableName and version_id as VersionId parameter. Please note version_id is string so integer value should be passed as string in inverted commas.

Step 6 − It returns the definition of a given table for a specified version.

Step 7 − Handle the generic exception if something went wrong while checking the job.


Use the following code to retrieve the table definition for a specified version −

import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

def retrieves_table_version_details(database_name, table_name, version_id)
   session = boto3.session.Session()
   glue_client = session.client('glue')
      response = glue_client.get_table_version(DatabaseName = database_name, TableName = table_name, VersionId = version_id)
      return response
   except ClientError as e:
      raise Exception("boto3 client error in retrieves_table_version_details: " + e.__str__())
   except Exception as e:
      raise Exception("Unexpected error in retrieves_table_version_details: " + e.__str__())
print(retrieves_table_version_details('QA-test', 'security', '2'))


{'TableVersion': {'Table': {'Name': 'security', 'DatabaseName': 'QAtest', 'Owner': 'owner', 'CreateTime': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 10,
22, 27, 24, tzinfo=tzlocal()), 'UpdateTime': datetime.datetime(2021, 3,
1, 11, 43, 49, tzinfo=tzlocal()), 'LastAccessTime':
datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 10, 22, 27, 24, tzinfo=tzlocal()),
'Retention': 0, 'StorageDescriptor': {'Columns': [{'Name':
'assettypecode', 'Type': 'string'}, {'Name': 'industrysector', 'Type':
'varchar'}, {'Name': 'securitycode', 'Type': 'char'}, {'Name':
'contractsize', 'Type': 'string'}, {'Name': 'conversionperiodenddate',
'Type': 'string'}, {'Name': 'conversionperiodstartdate', 'Type':
'string'}, {'Name': 'expirationdate', 'Type': 'string'}, {'Name':
'issuercountrycode', 'Type': 'string'}, {'Name': 'issuercountrydesc',
'Type': 'string'}, {'Name': 'originalissuedate', 'Type': 'string'},
{'Name': 'securitynamelong', 'Type': 'string'}, {'Name':
'issueshortname', 'Type': 'string'}, {'Name': 'gicssector', 'Type':
'string'}, {'Name': 'maturitydate', 'Type': 'string'}, {'Name':
'optioncode', 'Type': 'string'}, {'Name': 'optiontypename', 'Type':
'string'}, {'Name': 'paramount', 'Type': 'string'}, {'Name':
'priceindex', 'Type': 'string'}, {'Name': 'countrycoderisk', 'Type':
'string'}, {'Name': 'countrydescrisk', 'Type': 'string'}, {'Name':
'countrycode', 'Type': 'string'}], 'Location': 's3://test/security/',
'Compressed': False, 'NumberOfBuckets': -1, 'SerdeInfo':
'Parameters': {'serialization.format': '1'}}, 'BucketColumns': [],
'SortColumns': [], 'Parameters': {'CrawlerSchemaDeserializerVersion':
'1.0', 'CrawlerSchemaSerializerVersion': '1.0', 'UPDATED_BY_CRAWLER':
'security', 'averageRecordSize': '181', 'classification': 'parquet',
'compressionType': 'none', 'objectCount': '5', 'recordCount': '154800',
'sizeKey': '20337230', 'typeOfData': 'file'}, 'StoredAsSubDirectories':
False}, 'PartitionKeys': [], 'TableType': 'EXTERNAL_TABLE',
'Parameters': {'CrawlerSchemaDeserializerVersion': '1.0',
'CrawlerSchemaSerializerVersion': '1.0', 'UPDATED_BY_CRAWLER':
'security', 'averageRecordSize': '181', 'classification': 'parquet',
'compressionType': 'none', 'objectCount': '5', 'recordCount': '154800',
'sizeKey': '20337230', 'typeOfData': 'file'}, 'CreatedBy':
'VersionId': '2'}, 'ResponseMetadata': {'RequestId': '431db171-
*******************0', 'HTTPStatusCode': 200, 'HTTPHeaders': {'date':
'Mon, 01 Mar 2021 06:15:30 GMT', 'content-type': 'application/x-amzjson-1.1', 'content-length': '3916', 'connection': 'keep-alive', 'xamzn-requestid': '431db171-*****************0'}, 'RetryAttempts': 0}}

Updated on: 23-Mar-2021


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