How to trim left-hand side of a slice of bytes in Golang?

In Golang, trimming the left-hand side of a slice of bytes means removing the specified prefix from the beginning of the slice. Trimming can be useful when working with byte slices, where a specific prefix needs to be removed before further processing. In this article, we will explore how to trim the left-hand side of a slice of bytes in Golang.

Using the bytes.TrimLeft() function

Golang provides a built-in bytes package that contains many useful functions for working with byte slices. The bytes.TrimLeft() function can be used to trim a specific prefix from the beginning of a slice of bytes.


Here is an example of using the bytes.TrimLeft() function to trim a specific prefix from a byte slice −

package main

import (

func main() {
   slice := []byte("hello, world")

   trimmed := bytes.TrimLeft(slice, "hello,")




In the above example, we have a byte slice named slice that contains a prefix "hello,". We call the bytes.TrimLeft() function with the input byte slice and the prefix to be trimmed as a string. The function returns a new byte slice with the prefix removed.

Using the bytes.TrimPrefix() function

The bytes package also provides the bytes.TrimPrefix() function, which can be used to trim a specific prefix from the beginning of a slice of bytes.


Here is an example of using the bytes.TrimPrefix() function to trim a specific prefix from a byte slice −

package main

import (

func main() {
   slice := []byte("hello, world")

   prefix := []byte("hello,")

   trimmed := bytes.TrimPrefix(slice, prefix)




In the above example, we have a byte slice named slice that contains a prefix "hello,". We define the prefix as a separate byte slice named prefix. We call the bytes.TrimPrefix() function with the input byte slice and the prefix to be trimmed as a byte slice. The function returns a new byte slice with the prefix removed.

Using the slicing operator

Another way to trim the left-hand side of a byte slice is to use the slicing operator. The slicing operator allows you to create a new slice that refers to a subset of the original slice.


Here is an example of using the slicing operator to trim the left-hand side of a byte slice −

package main

import (

func main() {
   slice := []byte("hello, world")

   prefix := []byte("hello,")

   trimmed := slice[len(prefix):]




In the above example, we have a byte slice named slice that contains a prefix "hello,". We define the prefix as a separate byte slice named prefix. We use the slicing operator to create a new byte slice that refers to the subset of the original slice after the prefix.


Trimming the left-hand side of a slice of bytes in Golang can be achieved using the bytes.TrimLeft() and bytes.TrimPrefix() functions or by using the slicing operator. These methods provide flexible and efficient ways to remove specific prefixes from the beginning of a byte slice.

Updated on: 25-Apr-2023


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