How to Securely Set Up Your Home Wi-Fi Router?

A Wi-Fi router can be easily set up in any home or office easily using a few simple steps. Routers are installed to obtain a Wi-Fi signal in order to access the Internet. In this article, we will show how you can set up a Wi-Fi router at your home.

What is a Router?

A router is a device used to transmit data packets from one computer network to another. On the Internet, routers are in charge of traffic direction. Data packets are used to send data across the Internet, such as a web page or an email. A packet is sent across routers across the networks that make up an internetwork until it reaches its destination node.

Why do we need to secure a Wi-Fi router?

You're basically putting up an open Wi-Fi hotspot without protection, and anybody or anything within range might connect to it. They won't necessarily be able to see what's going on in your house, but anything that passes over that open Wi-Fi hotspot will be monitored.

Setting up a Wi-Fi Router

Follow the steps given below in order to set up a Wi-Fi router at home −

  • Purchase a Wi-Fi router – Compare features to pick the best router for your needs. If you need to cover a larger area or have a lot of walls in your house, you'll need a router that allows you to upgrade your antenna(s) to high gain varieties.

  • Connect your router to your modem – Routers and wireless routers make it possible to share your high-speed internet connection with several devices. You'll need to connect your broadband modem to the router to do so. Place your router near your modem for the greatest results.

  • Use CAT 5 Ethernet cables to connect any hardwired devices – If you have nearby PCs, a video game console, or a television, you may use Ethernet to link them to the router. This will result in a more reliable and quicker connection with no further settings required.

  • Connect at least one computer via Ethernet – To modify your network settings, you'll need at least one computer connected via an Ethernet connection. If you want to connect wirelessly, you can detach this PC afterwards.

  • Connecting Your Router to Broadband Providers – When you turn on the router, it will only create its own wireless network, and your device will be linked to that network rather than the Internet. To connect the router to the Internet, certain internet service providers (such as GTPL in India) need you to register the router's MAC address on their website.

  • Go to the internet service provider's website – Go to the MAC address update option after logging in with the username and password supplied by your internet service provider. The MAC address of one's current laptop or computer may be found there. Save the MAC address of the router there. This procedure allows the router to access the Internet through the broadband provider's network.

Configuration of Router

After setting up the router, use the following steps to configure it −

Find the IP address of the router

Determine the default IP address, which may be displayed on a label fastened to the router or in the paperwork if this is a new installation or router. If you can't discover the router's IP address elsewhere, you may check the default address by doing a web search for the router model.

On the PC that is linked to the router, open a web browser. In the address bar, enter the router's IP address and hit Enter. The router's configuration menu will be attempted to be accessed through your browser.

Enter your username and password

You must be on the router's IP address and enter a valid login and password at the prompt to gain access to the configuration page. Most routers come with a default account that you may use to log in. This varies by model, but it should be listed on the router or in the manual.

Open the Wireless Settings

When you log in to your router, you'll be transported to the main menu, also known as the status screen. There will be a variety of possibilities to pick from. Unless your internet service provider has given you particular instructions, you may normally leave the Internet area at its default settings. You may set up your wireless network under the Wireless section.

Enter a name for your wireless network

You should see a field titled SSID or Name in the Wireless section. Give your wireless network a distinct name. When other devices check for networks, this is what they'll see.

Choose a security method

Select a security option from the drop-down menu. Choose WPA2-PSK as the encryption option for maximum security. This is the toughest security to penetrate, and it will keep you safe from hackers and attackers.

Updated on: 03-May-2022


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