How to replace a string by another string in Angular JS?

Angular JS is a popular JavaScript framework that offers developers a range of useful tools for creating dynamic web applications. A common requirement in web development is to change specific words or phrases within a given text. In this tutorial, we will explain how to replace one string with another using AngularJS. We will provide clear, step-by-step instructions to accomplish this task effectively. To make it easier to understand, we will use a practical example to demonstrate the powerful features of Angular JS for string replacement.

Importance of Replacing a String

Before we explore the technical aspects, let's first grasp the concept of replacing strings and their importance in web development. In AngularJS applications, we frequently come across situations where we want to change the text dynamically depending on user actions, API results, or other factors. String replacement enables us to swap specific words, phrases, or patterns within a text with different content. This capability enhances the flexibility and adaptability of our applications. By replacing strings, we can create personalized experiences, tailor messages, and dynamically update the text to match evolving conditions.


The below snippet shows a basic AngularJS application that changes the word "Hello" to "Hi" in a provided text.

The application defines an AngularJS module called "myApp" and registers the "MainCtrl" controller within that module.

The controller sets the initial value of the variable $scope.text to the string "Hello, World!". When you click the "Replace String" button, the replaceString() function is triggered.

It uses the replace() method in JavaScript to replace specific parts of the text. The updated text is then shown using AngularJS expressions {{text}}.

<html ng-app="myApp">
   <script src=""></script>
      angular.module('myApp', [])
      .controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
         $scope.text = "Hello, World!";

         $scope.replaceString = function() {
            $scope.text = $scope.text.replace('Hello', 'Hi');
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
   <h1>String Replacement Example</h1>
   <p>Original Text: Hello, World!</p>
   <button ng-click="replaceString()">Replace String</button>
   <p>Modified Text: {{text}}</p>


In this article, we explored how to replace a string with another string in AngularJS. We discussed the example code and provided a step-by-step guide on achieving this task. By leveraging Angular JS's powerful features, such as controllers, expressions, and directives, we can easily manipulate strings within our web applications. Whether it's using JavaScript's replace() method or creating custom functions, AngularJS offers flexibility and versatility in handling string replacements. By understanding these techniques, developers can enhance the user experience and functionality of their Angular JS applications.

Updated on: 26-Jul-2023


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