How to remove the icon from the title bar in Tkinter?

To remove the default icon of the Tkinter window, we can use wm_attributes('type', 'value') method by specifying the type of property. In the following example, we will use '-toolwindow', a Boolean value that removes the icon associated with the title bar of the application.


#Import the tkinter library
from tkinter import *

#Create an instance of tkinter frame
win = Tk()

#Create a Label to print the Name
label= Label(win, text="This is a New Line Text", font= ('Helvetica 14 bold'), foreground= "red3")

win.wm_attributes('-toolwindow', 'True')


When we run the above code, it will display a Tkinter window without its default icon on the title bar.

Updated on: 25-May-2021

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