How to Print Worksheets with Displaying Formulas in Excel?

In Microsoft Excel, a formula can be defined as an expression that performs calculations, manipulates data, or returns a specific value based on the inputs provided. Formulas in Excel typically start with an equal sign (=) and can contain a combination of numbers, operators, functions, cell references, and constants.

To understand more precisely consider the below given Excel formula elements:

  • Numbers: these values can be directly written in a formula. An example includes any number such as 5, 1. 5, -3, etc.

  • Operators: these can be defined as the mathematical symbols used to perform calculations. Examples include addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), exponentiation (^), etc.

  • Functions: these are the Built-in functions of Excel that perform some specific calculations. Functions are generally used to simplify complex calculations. Examples of functions include SUM, AVERAGE, IF, VLOOKUP, CONCATENATE, etc.

  • Cell References: References to cells or ranges in a worksheet. Cell references allow users to use the values in specific cells within their formulas. For example, A1 refers to the cell in column A and row 1, while C2:D5 refers to a range of cells from C2 to D5.

  • Constants: Fixed values that are used within formulas. They can be numeric values, text, or dates. For example, "Hello" is a text constant, and 2/12/2023 is a date constant.

Example 1: To print the formula, to the current worksheet, by using available options.

Step 1

This example is designed to allow the user to make the formula visible to all the cells that contain a formula. It is useful for cases where users need to view all the formula cells at a time. To understand the task, consider the below provided Excel sheet.

Step 2

Go to the D2 cell, and type “=B2*C2” as a formula. Consider below provided snapshot:

Step 3

Press the “Enter” key. This key will display the multiplication result of cell B2(2) with C2(1), that is 2*1=2, to the D2 cell. consider below provided snapshot for reference:

Step 4

Drag the fill handle to the 6 th row, to ensure that the same formula will be copied to other rows as well. final obtained result is provided below:

Step 5

After that select the D column. To do so, click on the column header D. This will highlight whole column with grey color, as shown below:

Step 6

To display the formula, click on the “Formulas” tab, then under the “Formula Auditing” tile, choose the option “Show Formulas”. Consider the below-given image for reference:

Step 7

The above step will print or display all the formula, used in the excel sheet. For example, refer the below depicted image for proper reference:

Step 8

Go to the file tab and select the option for “Print”. Consider the below-depicted image for proper reference:

Step 9

The above step will ultimately display a “Print Preview”. This print preview displays a formula. Consider below guided snapshot for proper reference:

Example 2: To print the formula, to the current worksheet, by using the kutools.

Step 1

In this example, we will learn the process of displaying the formula to the cells by using the kutool option. To understand this example, will take the same Excel sheet. Consider the below-depicted image for reference:

Step 2

Select D column, by clicking on the column header for D. This will highlight the option, as depicted below:

Step 3

After that go to the “Kutools” tab, and under the “view” section, select the option “Show/Hide”. Further, choose the option “View Option”. For proper reference select the below depicted image:

Step 4

The above step will display a view options dialog box, in the window option section, tick the check box for “Formulas”. Finally, click on the “OK” button.

Step 5

The above step will print or display all the formulas used in the excel sheet. For example, refer the below depicted image for proper reference:


Displaying a formula in an Excel sheet refers to the act of showing the actual formula present in a cell instead of its calculated result. This feature is useful to understand the process of calculations, troubleshooting errors, and making modifications to formulas. Excel provides multiple methods for displaying formulas, including using the Formula Bar, cell editing, and the "Show Formulas" option. By being able to view and manipulate formulas, users can gain a better understanding of their data and ensure the accuracy of calculations in their Excel sheets. After the successful completion of this article, the user can easily understand the process of highlighting the cells that contain the formula.

Updated on: 28-Aug-2023


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