How to Hide Password in HTML?

In today's digital world, where the protection of sensitive information is crucial, ensuring the security of user passwords is of utmost importance. When users enter their passwords in HTML forms, it is essential to implement measures to protect their privacy and prevent unauthorized access. One way to enhance password security is by hiding the password as it is being entered. This blog post will explore various techniques to hide passwords in HTML forms, providing users with a sense of privacy and safeguarding their sensitive information.

We will begin by discussing the default behavior of password input fields in HTML, where passwords are masked to obscure their actual characters. Then, we will delve into different approaches to enhance password input, such as custom styling of password fields to provide visual cues. Additionally, we will explore the use of JavaScript to implement a password visibility toggle, enabling users to switch between masked and visible password formats.

Default Behavior of Password Input Fields

In HTML, password input fields are designed to mask the entered characters, providing a visual representation that hides the actual password. By default, the characters are replaced with bullet points or asterisks to prevent anyone from seeing the password as it is being typed. This default behavior ensures that passwords remain hidden from prying eyes, adding an additional layer of security.

HTML code snippet for a password input field −

<input type="password" name="password" id="password" placeholder="Enter your password">

By utilizing the type="password" attribute, the browser automatically renders the input field as a password field, obscuring the characters entered by the user. This behavior is consistent across various web browsers, ensuring a standardized approach to password input.

It's important to note that although the password is visually hidden, it is still transmitted to the server in plaintext. Therefore, it is crucial to employ additional security measures, such as encrypting the password during transmission and storing it securely on the server.

Next, let's explore techniques to further enhance the user experience and provide additional password hiding options.

Customizing Password Input Field Display

While the default behavior of password input fields is sufficient for most cases, there may be situations where you want to customize the display of the password field to provide a better user experience. In this section, we'll explore two common techniques for customizing the appearance of password input fields.

Show/Hide Password Toggle Button

One approach is to provide a show/hide password toggle button that allows users to view the entered password in plain text temporarily. This can be useful in situations where users want to double-check their password or when they are entering a password on a trusted device.


HTML code snippet for a password input field with a show/hide toggle button −

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>Show/Hide Password Toggle Button</title>
      .password-container {
         position: relative;
      .password-container input[type="password"] {
         padding-right: 40px;
      .password-container .toggle-button {
         position: absolute;
         top: 50%;
         right: 10px;
         transform: translateY(-50%);
         background-color: transparent;
         border: none;
         cursor: pointer;
         font-size: 14px;
         color: #999;
   <div class="password-container">
      <input type="password" name="password" id="password" placeholder="Enter your password">
      <button class="toggle-button" type="button">Show Password</button>
      const toggleButton = document.querySelector('.toggle-button');
      const passwordInput = document.getElementById('password');
      toggleButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
         if (passwordInput.type === 'password') {
            passwordInput.type = 'text';
            toggleButton.textContent = 'Hide Password';
         } else {
            passwordInput.type = 'password';
            toggleButton.textContent = 'Show Password';

In this example, the HTML and JavaScript code are combined into a single program. The CSS styles are embedded within the <style> tag in the section. This program creates a password input field with a show/hide password toggle button. Clicking on the button toggles the visibility of the password characters.

Styling Password Input Field

Another way to customize the appearance of a password input field is by applying custom CSS styles. This can help align the password field with the overall design of your website or application.


<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>Styling Password Input Field</title>
      .password-input {
         padding: 10px;
         border: 2px solid #ccc;
         border-radius: 4px;
         font-size: 16px;
         transition: border-color 0.3s ease-in-out;
      .password-input:focus {
         border-color: #007bff;
      .password-input::placeholder {
         color: #999;
   <input type="password" name="password" id="password" class="password-input" placeholder="Enter your password">
      // JavaScript code can be added here if needed

In this example, the CSS styles for the password input field are defined within the <style> tag in the <head> section. The password input field has a specific class name (password-input) to apply the defined styles. The styles include padding, border, border-radius, font-size, and a transition effect on focus. The placeholder text is styled with a different color. You can add any additional JavaScript code within the <script> tag if needed for further functionality.

Next, we'll explore some best practices for handling passwords and ensuring the security of user credentials.

Best Practices

When implementing password hiding techniques in HTML, it's essential to follow some best practices to ensure security and user experience. Consider the following guidelines −

  • Use secure protocols  When handling sensitive information like passwords, make sure you're using a secure protocol such as HTTPS to encrypt the data transmitted between the client and the server.

  • Implement server-side validation  Even if you hide the password on the client-side, always perform server-side validation to ensure the entered password meets the required criteria and protect against any potential vulnerabilities.

  • Consider accessibility  Keep in mind that some users may have assistive technologies or visual impairments. Ensure that your implementation is accessible and provides alternative methods for users to interact with the password field.

  • Avoid storing passwords in plain text  While hiding the password on the client-side can enhance security during input, remember that storing passwords in plain text on the server is a significant security risk. Always hash and salt passwords before storing them in your database.

  • Inform users about password visibility  Clearly communicate to users whether their password is currently visible or hidden. Use appropriate visual cues or labels to indicate the current state of the password visibility.

Remember, security is a critical aspect of handling passwords, and it's essential to stay updated on the latest security practices and recommendations.


In this article, we explored different techniques to hide passwords in HTML forms. We discussed two common methods: using a show/hide password toggle button and styling the password input field. These techniques provide users with the option to hide their passwords while entering them, enhancing security and privacy.

We learned how to implement these methods using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, ensuring a seamless user experience. By giving users control over password visibility, we empower them to make informed choices about their personal data.

Updated on: 07-Aug-2023

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