How To Create An AWS Lambda Function To Write To a DynamoDB Table?

Creating an AWS Lambda function to write to a DynamoDB table is a common practice because it enables a serverless architecture that is scalable, cost-effective, and highly available. The Lambda function can be triggered by various events, such as an API call or a message from a queue, and can write data to the DynamoDB table with minimal setup and maintenance.

Additionally, separating concerns between the AWS Lambda function and the DynamoDB table allows greater flexibility in managing the application’s components.

Benefits of Creating An AWS Lambda Function To Write To a DynamoDB Table

Creating an AWS Lambda function to write to a DynamoDB table offers a scalable and cost-effective solution for applications requiring frequent data updates. This approach allows you to execute code in response to events, and there is no need for infrastructure provisioning or server management.

It also provides the flexibility to manage capacity and handle spikes in traffic without incurring additional costs. Additionally, DynamoDB’s fast and reliable performance ensures that your data is always available for retrieval and analysis. By leveraging Lambda and DynamoDB, you can build highly responsive and scalable applications that meet modern business requirements.

Algorithm For Creating an AWS Lambda Function to Write to a DynamoDB Table

Here is the algorithm for creating an AWS Lambda function to write to a DynamoDB table −

  • Step 1 − Create a DynamoDB table: In the AWS Console, navigate to the DynamoDB service and create a new table. Define the table name, any additional attributes you want to include, and the primary key.

  • Step 2 − Set up IAM permissions: Create a new IAM role for your Lambda function and grant it the necessary permissions to read and write to your DynamoDB table.

  • Step 3 − Create a new Lambda function: In the AWS Console, navigate to the Lambda service and create a new function. Choose the appropriate runtime for your code (e.g. Python, Node.js, etc.) and configure the function to use your newly created IAM role.

  • Step 4 − Configure your function: In the function configuration screen, you can set up environment variables, set the timeout and memory limit, and configure any triggers that should invoke the function.

  • Step 5 − Write your code: In the function code editor, write the code to write data to your DynamoDB table. You can use the AWS SDK to interact with the table, and plenty of code examples and tutorials are available to help you get started.

  • Step 6 − Test your function: Use the built-in testing tools to verify that your function is working as expected. You can test your code locally or run it directly in the AWS Console.

  • Step 7 − Deploy your function: When you’re ready to deploy your function, click the “Deploy” button in the AWS Console. The latest version of your function will be created that you can use in production.

  • Step 8 − Trigger your function: Finally, you can trigger your function manually or set up an event source that will automatically invoke it when certain events occur. For example, you could trigger the function whenever a new item is added to your DynamoDB table or set up a CloudWatch Events rule to run the function on a schedule.

When writing the code for your function, including error handling and logging, ensure any issues are identified and resolved quickly. You may also want to consider using a deployment tool or framework, such as the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM), to simplify the deployment and management of your Lambda function.

Example 1

Here's an example code for creating an AWS Lambda function to write to a DynamoDB table using Python −

import json
import boto3

# Create the DynamoDB client
dynamodb = boto3.client('dynamodb')
# Set the name of the DynamoDB table
table_name = 'my-table-name'
def lambda_handler(event, context):

   # Parse the JSON data passed to the Lambda function
   data = json.loads(event['body']) 
   # Extract the values from the data
   name = data['name']
   email = data['email']

   # Create an item to put in the DynamoDB table
   item = {
      'Name': {'S': name},
      'Email': {'S': email}
   # Put the item in the DynamoDB table
   response = dynamodb.put_item(
   # Return a response indicating success
   return {
      'statusCode': 200,
      'body': json.dumps('Item added to DynamoDB table')

We have used the class keyword in the above syntax to create a class. Also, users can see how we can use the extends keyword to inherit the child class from the parent class.

Example 2

Here's a Node.js code snippet for creating an AWS Lambda function to write to a DynamoDB table −

const AWS = require('aws-sdk');

// Set the region where your DynamoDB table is located
AWS.config.update({ region: 'your-region' });

// Create a DynamoDB client
const dynamoDB = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
exports.handler = async (event, context) => {

   // Extract the data from the event
   const { name, email } = JSON.parse(event.body);
   // Create the parameters for the DynamoDB put operation
   const params = {
      TableName: 'your-table-name',
      Item: { name, email }
   try {
      // Put the data in the DynamoDB table
      await dynamoDB.put(params).promise();
      // Return a success message
      return {
         statusCode: 200,
         body: JSON.stringify({ message: 'Data added successfully!' })
   } catch (error) {
      // Return an error message
      return {
         statusCode: 500,
         body: JSON.stringify({ message: error.message })

NOTE − When writing the code for your function, handle any errors and log any issues for easy troubleshooting.


An AWS Lambda function is a serverless computing service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows you to run code in response to events and triggers without needing dedicated servers. With Lambda, anyone can easily create and run code responding to events such as data changes in an Amazon S3 bucket, which updates to a DynamoDB table, or HTTP requests via Amazon API Gateway. Lambda automatically scales the computing resources required to run your code. You only pay for the time your code is executed, making it a cost-effective solution for running code in the cloud.

Updated on: 14-Jul-2023


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