How to create a vector of matrices in R?

As of now it is not possible to create a vector of matrices in R. If we want to do it, we should prefer a list, hence we can create a list with matrices.

For Example, if we have matrices say M1, M2, and M3 and we want to create a list of these matrices then we can use the below given command −



To create a vector of matrices in R, use the following snippet −


The vector of matrices are as follows −

   [,1] [,2]
 [1,] 5  6
 [2,] 10 5
 [3,] 3  5
 [4,] 5  5
 [5,] 7  4
 [6,] 6  1
 [7,] 5  3
 [8,] 5  8
 [9,] 9  7
[10,] 6  6
[11,] 3  5
[12,] 5  6
[13,] 3  1
[14,] 7  3
[15,] 5  6
[16,] 2  2
[17,] 2  3
[18,] 6  2
[19,] 2  6
[20,] 3  3

            [,1]       [,2]     [,3]
[1,]  1.9578909  0.45914071 -2.00944775
[2,]  0.1823403  1.05974964  0.42974335
[3,]  0.5921457  0.05078855 -0.03403513
[4,] -0.9808145  0.72762418 -1.09157212
[5,] -0.1980738 -2.32805205  0.68170467
[6,]  0.4682491 -0.48228947 -1.97650905
[7,]  0.2745822 -0.75218847  0.37580828
[8,]  1.5170457  0.02360123  0.33017557
[9,]  -0.9706965 0.95314822  0.71276779
[10,] -0.9584967 0.09087230  0.52793781
    [,1] [,2] [,3]
 [1,] 10  14   22
 [2,] 99  46   83
 [3,] 16  60   39
 [4,] 28   3   72
 [5,] 95  44   79
 [6,] 96  29   42
 [7,] 61  59   45
 [8,] 55  47   67
 [9,] 25  43   75
[10,] 70  18   89
[11,] 82  48    2
[12,] 86  54   57
[13,] 21  69   12
[14,] 19 100   85
[15,] 63  32   88
[16,] 56  62   91
[17,] 41  52   33
[18,] 24  40    7
[19,] 30  17   38
[20,] 98  93   97

Updated on: 10-Nov-2021


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