How to create a thread using lambda expressions in Java?\n

The lambda expressions are introduced in Java 8. It is one of the most popular features of Java 8 and brings functional programming capabilities to Java. By using a lambda expression, we can directly write the implementation for a method in Java.

In the below program, we can create a thread by implementing the Runnable interface using lamda expression. While using the lambda expressions, we can skip the new Runnable() and run() method because the compiler knows that Thread object takes a Runnable object and that contains only one method run() that takes no argument.


public class LambdaThreadTest {
   public static void main(String args[]) {
      // Child thread
      new Thread(() -> { // Lambda Expression
         for(int i=1; i <= 5; i++) {
            System.out.println("Child Thread: "+ i);
            try {
            } catch(Exception e) {
      // Main Thead
      for(int j=1; j < 5; j++) {
         System.out.println("Main Thread: "+ j);
         try {
         } catch(Exception e) {


Main Thread: 1
Child Thread: 1
Child Thread: 2
Main Thread: 2
Main Thread: 3
Child Thread: 3
Main Thread: 4
Child Thread: 4
Child Thread: 5

Updated on: 10-Jul-2020

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