How to Convert a Dictionary into a NumPy Array?

Python has gained immense popularity in recent years due to its versatility and ease of use. One of the key reasons for its success is the availability of numerous libraries and packages that simplify complex tasks. NumPy is one such library that is widely used in scientific computing and data analysis. It provides a powerful N−dimensional array object that can handle large data sets and perform various mathematical operations efficiently.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to convert a dictionary into a NumPy array using Python. As data scientists and analysts, we often deal with data in different formats, and sometimes we may need to convert data from one format to another. In the next section of the article, we will explore the step−by−step process of converting a dictionary to a NumPy array and discuss various examples to demonstrate the conversion process.

How to Convert a Dictionary into a NumPy array?

In this section, we will discuss how to convert a dictionary to a NumPy array. We will cover the step−by−step process of converting a dictionary to a NumPy array, along with examples.

Step 1: Importing the NumPy library

Before we begin, we need to import the NumPy library in Python. We can do this using the following code:

import numpy as np

Here, we have imported the NumPy library and assigned it an alias 'np'. This is a common convention when using NumPy in Python.

Step 2: Creating a Dictionary

For the purpose of this article, we will use the following dictionary as an example:

my_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}

This is a simple dictionary with four key−value pairs. However, we can convert dictionaries of any size and shape into NumPy arrays using the methods we will discuss in the next steps.

Step 3: Converting the Dictionary to a NumPy Array

We can use the np.array() method to convert the dictionary to a NumPy array. The np.array() method takes an iterable object as input and returns a NumPy array. Here's an example:

my_array = np.array(list(my_dict.items()))

In the above snippet, we first converted the dictionary items to a list using the items() method. Then, we passed this list as an input to the np.array() method to get the NumPy array.

Another way to convert a dictionary to a NumPy array is to use the np.asarray() method. The np.asarray() method also takes an iterable object as input and returns a NumPy array. However, it differs from the np.array() method in that it does not create a copy of the input object if it is already a NumPy array. Here's an example:

my_array = np.asarray(list(my_dict.items()))

In this example, we passed the list of dictionary items as input to the np.asarray() method to get the NumPy array.

Step 4: Accessing and Manipulating the NumPy Array

Once we have converted the dictionary to a NumPy array, we can access and manipulate the array using various NumPy methods.

To access elements of the NumPy array, we can use indexing and slicing. Consider the below code of accessing the items of the NumPy array

print(my_array[0])    # Output: ['a' '1']
print(my_array[1][1]) # Output: 2

In the first line, we accessed the first element of the NumPy array, which is a 1D array containing the key−value pair ('a', 1). In the second line, we accessed the second element of the NumPy array, which is also a 1D array containing the key−value pair ('b', 2), and then accessed the second element of that array, which is the value '2'.

That's it! We have successfully converted a dictionary to a NumPy array and accessed the array using NumPy methods.

Now that we’ve learned how to convert a simple dictionary to a NumPy array let’s move ahead and understand how to convert a nested dictionary to a NumPy array in Python.

Converting a nested dictionary to a NumPy array

Before we can convert a nested dictionary to a NumPy array, we need to create a sample nested dictionary. Here's an example of a nested dictionary:

my_dict = {
    "first": {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3},
    "second": {"d": 4, "e": 5, "f": 6},
    "third": {"g": 7, "h": 8, "i": 9}

In this example, we have a nested dictionary consisting of three key−value pairs, where each value is another dictionary.

To convert the nested dictionary to a NumPy array, we first need to extract the values from the dictionary using the values() method. We can then use the np.array() method to convert the values to a NumPy array. Here's the code to do that:

my_array = np.array(list(my_dict.values()))

In this code, we use the list() method to convert the dictionary values to a list, and then pass it to the np.array() method to convert it to a NumPy array.

Let's print the NumPy array and see what it looks like:



array([[[1, 2, 3],
        [4, 5, 6],
        [7, 8, 9]]])

As we can see, the nested dictionary has been successfully converted to a NumPy array. The output is a three−dimensional array with three rows and three columns.


In this tutorial, we have learned how to convert a Python dictionary into a NumPy array. We have discussed step−by−step processes to create a dictionary, import the NumPy library, and use the NumPy array. We provided examples to demonstrate the conversion of simple and nested dictionaries into NumPy arrays using the np.array() and np.asarray() methods. Once we have converted the dictionary to a NumPy array, we can access and manipulate the array using various NumPy methods. The process of converting a dictionary to a NumPy array is very useful when working with large data sets and performing mathematical operations on them.

Updated on: 21-Jul-2023


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