How to Check Debian Linux Version?


Debian Linux is an open-source operating system that is widely used in both personal and professional settings. It was first released in 1993 and has since then gained a reputation for being stable, secure, and reliable.

Debian Linux comes with a wide range of software packages that can be easily installed and used by users. Due to its stability, Debian Linux is the preferred choice of many system administrators who need to run servers or other mission-critical applications.

Checking Debian Linux Version using Command Line Interface (CLI)

The Power of the CLI

For those who are unfamiliar with it, the Command Line Interface (CLI) is essentially a text-based interface for interacting with your computer's operating system. While it may seem intimidating to some users who prefer graphical user interfaces (GUI), mastering the CLI can be incredibly useful for tasks like troubleshooting, system administration, and software development.

Accessing the CLI

To access the CLI in Debian Linux, you'll need to open up a terminal window. This can typically be done by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T or by navigating to your system's applications menu and searching for "Terminal". Once you have a terminal window open, you'll be able to enter commands directly into the shell.

Checking Debian Linux Version Using the CLI

To check your Debian Linux version using the CLI, you'll need to enter a single command: cat /etc/debian_version. This command will print your Debian version number directly in the terminal window. If you're running as root or with root privileges, you can also use lsb_release -a to get additional information about your system's distribution and release information.

$ cat /etc/debian_version


$ lsb_release -a

While checking your system's version number may seem like a small task, it can be incredibly important for ensuring that any software or packages you install are compatible with your specific version of Debian Linux. Additionally, knowing which distribution and release information is installed on your system may be helpful when seeking support from other users or developers in online forums or chat rooms.

Checking Debian Linux Version Using Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Explanation of GUI and how to Access it

Graphical User Interface (GUI) is the visual interface that allows users to interact with the computer through graphics and icons. Debian Linux has several GUIs available, including GNOME, KDE, and Xfce. These desktop environments each have their own unique features but ultimately provide a similar experience for the user.

To access the GUI on Debian Linux, you need to make sure that the graphical interface is installed on your system. If it is not installed by default, you can install it using the terminal command −

sudo apt-get install task-gnome-desktop

This command will install the GNOME desktop environment on your system. Once installed, you can access it by logging out of your current session and selecting “GNOME” from the login screen’s drop-down menu.

Step-by-step Guide on how to Check Debian Linux Version Using GUI

Once you have accessed the GUI on your Debian Linux system, checking its version is a straightforward process. Follow these steps −

  • Click on “Activities” located at the top left corner of your screen.

  • In the search bar that appears, type “Settings” and click on it.

  • In settings menu options that appear below search bar select "Details" option

  • On Details window under "About" section scroll down until you see "OS type" this will show in big letters "Debian GNU/Linux"

  • Beside OS Type there will be OS Version written in smaller letters

The version number should be listed next to “OS Version”. It’s important to note that this method may vary slightly depending on which desktop environment you’re using.

Checking your Debian Linux version through GUI provides an alternative way for users who are less comfortable with command-line interfaces. With a few simple clicks, you can access the relevant information and keep your system up to date.

Using System Information Tool to Check Debian Linux Version

The System Information Tool (SIT) is a built-in utility in Debian Linux that allows users to gather important information about their system, including the version of Debian Linux running. SIT provides an easy-to-use graphical interface for users who are not comfortable with command line interface (CLI).

Explanation of System Information Tool and its Benefits

SIT can provide various details about a system, such as hardware configuration, kernel version, software components, and more. Its main benefit is that it allows quick access to comprehensive information about the system without needing to navigate through different menus or run complicated commands.

When it comes to checking the version of Debian Linux, SIT displays this information prominently on its home screen along with other important system details. SIT also presents this information in an organized manner so users can quickly find what they need.

Step-by-step Guide on how to use System Information Tool to Check Debian Linux Version

To use SIT to check the version of Debian Linux running on your system −

  • Open the Applications menu from the top bar.

  • Search for "System Information" and click on it.

  • Once opened, you will see all the details about your system displayed in a window.

  • Look for "Operating System" section in the left navigation panel.

  • Click on it and locate "Distribution" under it which should display your current Debian distribution release name and codename which will help determine your current debian linux OS version.

Using SIT is one of the easiest ways to check which version of Debian Linux you are running without utilizing complex commands or scripts. With its intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) and concise presentation of information, anyone can use this tool effectively without any prior technical knowledge or experience required.

Other Methods for Checking Debian Linux Version

Package Managers

One other way to check the version of Debian Linux is through the use of package managers. Package managers are tools that allow users to manage software packages on their system, including installing, updating, and removing packages. In Debian Linux, two commonly used package managers are apt-get and aptitude.

To check the version of Debian Linux using these tools, simply run the command "apt-get --version" or "aptitude --version" in the CLI. The output will display information about the package manager as well as the version of Debian Linux currently installed on your system.

System Logs

Another method for checking Debian Linux version is by examining system logs. System logs store information about various events that occur on a system, including changes made to software packages and updates to the operating system.

To access system logs in Debian Linux, navigate to "/var/log" directory in CLI or GUI and look for files such as "syslog", "auth.log", or "dpkg.log". These files contain valuable information about the current version of Debian Linux installed on your system as well as any recent updates that may have been applied.


Knowing the version of Debian Linux you are running is essential to ensure compatibility with software and hardware, as well as to receive security updates and bug fixes. In this article, we have covered three different methods for checking the Debian Linux version: using the command line interface (CLI), graphical user interface (GUI), and System Information Tool.

Knowing your Debian Linux version is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and security. Each release of Debian includes important updates and fixes to address bugs or vulnerabilities that could cause unexpected behavior or put your system at risk. By keeping your system up-to-date, you can take advantage of new features, run essential applications, and avoid potential problems.

Updated on: 31-Aug-2023


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