How to Change File Permissions Recursively with chmod in Linux?


In Linux, file permissions determine who can access, modify, or execute files and directories. They play a crucial role in ensuring the security and integrity of a system.

Without proper file permissions, unauthorized users can gain access to sensitive data or execute malicious code that can damage a system. To understand why file permissions matter in Linux, it's important to know that every file and directory has an owner and a group associated with it.

The owner is the user who created the file or directory, while the group is a collection of users with similar permissions. By assigning specific permissions to each user group, administrators can control who has access to what data.

Understanding File Permissions in Linux

Explanation of the Three Types of Permissions: Read, Write, and Execute

In Linux, file permissions are a critical aspect of security and access control. Each file in the system has three basic permissions: read, write and execute. These permissions define what actions can be taken on a particular file.

The read permission allows users to view the contents of a file, while the write permission permits users to make changes to that file. The execute permission allows users to run executable files or scripts.

Description of the Three User Groups: Owner, Group, and Others

In addition to permissions types, Linux also distinguishes between three user groups for each file: owner (or user), group and others. The owner is typically the creator of the file who has complete control over its access rules.

The group consists of other users who have been granted specific privileges by the owner; members in this category can include team members or collaborators working on shared projects. Others refer to every other user on that system who has no special privileges with respect to that particular file.

Overview of Numerical Representation of File Permissions

As mentioned earlier, each file in Linux is assigned specific permission settings which are represented numerically using a combination of 0-7 digits based on binary notation principles. In this format, three digits represent each user group - owner (first digit), group (second digit) and others (third digit).

Each digit comprises three binary bits that represent different levels or combinations among read/write/execute permissions- 4 for read-only access, 2 for write-only access and 1 for execute-only access.The sum total value assigned is used as shorthand for representing individual permission settings for each category. Understanding how these basic concepts work together helps administrators set up well-defined security rules governing their systems.

Recursive Change With Chmod Command

The Power of Recursive Change

As a Linux user, you might often find yourself in situations where you need to manage file permissions for a large number of files and directories. This can be an incredibly time-consuming task if done manually, especially when dealing with directories that have several levels of subdirectories. In such cases, the recursive change option with chmod comes in handy.

Recursive change is the ability to modify file permissions for a directory tree as a whole, including all files and subdirectories within it. Instead of having to apply the command individually on each file or directory within the parent directory, we can use recursive change to apply the same command on all subdirectories and files.

Syntax for Using Chmod Command Recursively

Using chmod recursively involves specifying the '-R' option followed by the permission changes you want to make and then indicating the directory or path whose permissions you want to modify. The syntax for using chmod command recursively is as follows −

chmod -R [permissions] [directory/path] 

Here's what each component means −

  • R: specifies that permission changes should be applied recursively

  • [permissions]: the new permission settings that will be applied across all files and directories within [directory/path]

  • [directory/path]: the starting point or root directory where permission changes will begin to get applied recursively.

An Example Scenario for Changing File Permissions Recursively

Imagine we have a folder called "Data" containing some subdirectories named "Sales," "Marketing," and "Finance." In each departmental folder are several files that need modification so that only departmental members can access them. To make the necessary permission changes, we can use chmod recursively. Let's assume we want to give full access to the owner, read-only permission to members of the corresponding group, and no access rights at all to others.

The command for setting permissions recursively would be −

chmod -R 750 Data/ 

This will set file permissions as follows −

  • The owner of files and directories in that directory has full access.

  • Members of the group associated with these files and directories have read and execute permissions.

  • All other users have no access to these files or directories.

In this example, we start at "Data/" and apply the changes recursively across all subdirectories (Sales/, Marketing/, Finance/) and their respective files. Using chmod recursively is an efficient way of managing file permissions in Linux systems with a large number of files or subdirectories. It allows you to quickly automate permission updates across directories with multiple levels of subdirectories without having to apply changes manually one by one.

Advanced Options for Chmod Command

While the basic functionality of chmod command is sufficient for most use cases, there are some advanced options that allow for more efficient and flexible management of file permissions. Here we will describe a few examples of these advanced options −

Setting Default Permissions

The umask option can be used to set default permissions for newly created files and directories. The default umask value is usually 0022, which results in new files having permissions 644 (rw-r--r--) and new directories having permissions 755 (rwxr-xr-x).

However, this default value can be changed to fit specific needs. For instance, if you want all newly created files to have read-write access for the owner and group but only read access for others, you can set the umask value to 0002.

Modifying Special Permissions

There are also some special permission settings that can be modified with chmod command. One example is the setuid bit, which allows a program to be executed with the privileges of its owner instead of the user who launched it.

This can be useful in cases where multiple users need access to a specific program but only one user has administrative privileges. To enable setuid bit on a file, use the following syntax −

$ chmod u+s file.txt 

A similar special permission setting is setgid bit, which allows a newly created file or directory to inherit the group ownership from its parent directory instead of the user who created it. This can simplify group management in projects where multiple users collaborate on files within shared directories.


In this article, we have covered the basics of file permissions in Linux and how to change them recursively using the chmod command. We have explained the three types of permissions (read, write, execute) and the three user groups (owner, group, others), as well as the numerical representation of file permissions. We have also discussed advanced options such as setting default permissions and modifying special permissions like setuid or setgid.

We then delved into recursive changes with chmod command, explaining its importance in managing large directories with multiple files and subdirectories. We provided a syntax to use it recursively along with an example scenario for changing file permissions recursively.

Updated on: 24-Aug-2023


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