How to change border-color of a canvas text using Fabric.js?

The fabric.Text object of Fabric.JS is used to change the corner style of a canvas-type text. Text class of Fabric.js provides the text abstraction by using the fabric.Text object, which allows us to work with text in an object-oriented way. Comparing to the canvas class the Text class provides the rich functionality.

The text object contains the different properties, but to change the border color of a text canvas can be done using one of the color property i.e., borderColor. The borderColor property of a Fabric.js Text object specifies the border color of the object. Any valid CSS color value for the border color can be used. You can also use the setBorderColor() changes border color of the text object.


The following is the syntax for the text object −

fabric.Text(text, borderColor: string);


  • text − Used to specify which text must be write

  • borderColor − Specify the border color


Follow the below-given steps to change the border-color of a canvas-type text using Fabric.js −

Step 1 − First, we include the Fabric.js library in the HTML file and add the script tag to the head of the document.

Step 2 − Next, lets create a canvas element for the html document body

Step 3 − Then, we add a script tag to the body of the document to initialize a new fabric.Canvas object and create a fabric.Text object

Step 4 − Finally, we add the text object to the canvas and set the border color to the desired color using the set method and the borderColor property

Step 5 − Add the Text object to the canvas


In this example, we are going to learn how we can change the border-color of a canvas text using the borderColor property −

      <script src=""></script>
      <h2>Changing the border-color of a canvas text using Fabric.js</h2>
      <p>Select the textbox to see that the controlling corners</p>
      <canvas id="idCanvas" width="400" height="200"></canvas>
         // Initializing the canvas element
         var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('idCanvas'); 
         // Create a instance of fabric.Text class
         var content = new fabric.Text('Welcome to Tutorials Toint', {
            left: 100,
            top: 100,
            fontSize: 30,
            fill: '#000000',
            stroke: '#ff0000',
            strokeWidth: 2,
            borderColor: '#ff0000' 
         // Add the text object to the canvas

The borderColor property of the fabric.Text object controls the color of the border around the text. In this example, the border color is set to red using the hexadecimal color code #ff0000.


Let us see another example, where we used the set( ) of borderColor property for changing the border color of a text canvas.

      <script src=""></script>
      <h2>Changing the border-color of a canvas text using Fabric.js</h2>
      <p>Select the textbox to see that the controlling corners</p>
      <canvas id="idCanvas" width="500" height="200"></canvas>
         var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('idCanvas'); 
         var contenttext = new fabric.Text('Welcome To Tutorials Point', {
             left: 100,
             top: 100,
             fontSize: 30,
             fill: '#000000',
             stroke: '#ff0000', 
             strokeWidth: 2 
         text.set({ borderColor: '#00ff00' }); 

In this example, we use the set method of the fabric.Text object to change the borderColor property to green. We then call the renderAll method of the fabric.Canvas object to re-render the canvas and update the text object with the new border color.


In this article, we have demonstrated how to change the border-color of a canvas-type text along with examples. We have seen the two different examples here, In the first example, we used the borderColor property for changing the border-color of a canvas text to red. For the second example, we used the used the set( ) of borderColor property for changing the border color of a text canvas.

Updated on: 21-Feb-2023


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