How to Become an IT Security Architect?

You can't go anywhere without hearing about another horrifying case of internet fraud, phishing, or corporate cybersecurity failure. The rise of cybercrime in recent years has shown strong security measures' importance.

Everyone values their data privacy. These days, the internet is integral to just about every aspect of our lives.

The role of cybersecurity architects cannot be overstated. This article will explain what a cybersecurity architect is, why you should consider becoming one, and how to get certified in cybersecurity in India. You must read more about this high-demand field.

First, let's learn about the foundations of secure network design.

Who is a Cyber Security Architect?

A cybersecurity architect (or "security architect") plans, develops and manages an organization's cyber defenses to protect its data and computing infrastructure.

The job of a security architect is to assess the state of security inside an organization's systems. On local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), and virtual private networks (VPNs), they conduct penetration testing, risk analysis, and ethical hacks. They also test and analyze firewalls, routers, and other similar systems to see how well they perform.

This individual is the authority in the field of cybersecurity; he is the one to turn to for help.

What Does a Cyber Security Architect Do?

The following explanation sheds some light on the subject, but what does it include in everyday language? In what ways does this concept translate into practical work requirements? The duties of a cybersecurity architect consist of the following:

  • To acquire a comprehensive familiarity with the company's IT infrastructure

  • To form security architectures for IT project that are planned, researched, and designed to be dependable, powerful, and versatile.

  • To Conduct risk evaluations and security inspections on the finished infrastructure

  • To examine the newest authentication processes, security measures, and other norms

  • To enforce established company security rules and procedures.

  • To create specifications for all IT resources such as routers, firewalls, LANs, WANs, VPNs, and other network gadgets

  • To approve and review of all firewall, VPN, router, server, and IDS scanning technology installations

  • To estimate the financial burden of implementing all necessary cybersecurity measures and pinpointing any complications with system integration

  • To plan PKIs, such as those used for digital signatures and certifying bodies (CA)

  • To verify the effectiveness of the organization's finalized security measures

  • To help to direct and direct security personnel in technological matters

  • To assume responsibility for any security-related education and awareness initiatives aimed at preparing non-IT workers

  • To take immediate action in case of security problems (such as data breaches, malware, or phishing scams), followed by a thorough post-event analysis

  • To implement necessary security system upgrades and updates

Remember that some companies and organizations want their cybersecurity architect to handle only some of these responsibilities. Yet some businesses may have even higher standards for their architects.

Cyber Security Architect Salary and Career Potential

You may question whether or not a career in cybersecurity is even worthwhile at this point. How much money can one expect to make working as a cybersecurity architect. How common are positions for cybersecurity architects? And what are the advantages and benefits, exactly?

Payscale estimates for median annual income for a cybersecurity architect is $122,634. Of course, this varies according to where you live, how long you've been in the field, and the specifics of your skill set. According to Payscale, a cybersecurity architect also receives excellent medical benefits and may be eligible for incentives and profit sharing.

For those worried about demand, the Indeed blog offers some good news. It should come as no surprise that demand for cybersecurity architects is rising and many companies need them across the United States. Several high-profile cyber occurrences during the past couple of years have increased public anxiety about cybercrime.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 37% increase in demand for cybersecurity professionals between 2012 and 2022. Furthermore, a skills gap is developing in the industry as baby boomers retire, and millennials need to be replacing them at a sufficient rate.

Together, these trends and the fact that we live in a culture that increasingly conducts online business and leisure activities suggest a need for more professionals trained in cybersecurity architecture. If you have the requisite knowledge and experience, this is a field into which you may input and have a good career.

How Do You Become a Cyber Security Architect?

Let's be honest; developing expertise in cybersecurity architecture is challenging. It takes dedication and hard work to reach the top in this field, but the rewards are high. Luckily, we'll be able to walk you through the process!

First and foremost, you'll require some intelligence in the classroom. According to conventional thinking, you need a bachelor's or master's degree in cybersecurity, computer science, information technology, or a closely related field. Attending a few IT-specific classes may suffice if you need this academic background.

Let's leave the realm of academics and move into actual job experience. Most companies and organizations prefer applicants with five to ten years of IT experience, including some work with systems analysis, application development, and business planning. At least three to five years of IT expertise must have been dedicated to securing networks.

You're good to go if you've got your credentials straightened up regarding schooling and previous job experience.

Specific abilities are required for success in the field of cybersecurity architecture. The ideal applicant has strong "soft" abilities, particularly in communication, leadership, and problem solving. A cybersecurity architect's responsibilities include managing projects, leading teams, and communicating complex ideas to the business's non-technical employees.

Among other things, a successful cybersecurity architect has to be able to do the following

  • Ability to use Windows, UNIX, and Linux

  • Familiarity with the ISO 27001, 27001, 27001, ITIL, and COBIT frameworks

  • Knowing how to set up and use firewalls, intrusion detection systems, intrusion prevention systems, network access restrictions, and network segmentation

  • Designing secure networks from the ground up

  • Familiarity with wireless networking and its security components, including routers, switches, and VLANs

  • Familiarity with DNS-related security topics such as routing, authentication, VPN, proxy services, and DDOS protection

  • The process of cloud risk assessment and auditing by third parties

Now, if that weren't enough, you also need credentials in several areas essential to designing secure systems. You may earn recognition in your field with the correct preparation, though.

Updated on: 16-Dec-2022


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