How to add multiple text labels from DataFrame columns in Python Plotly?

Plotly is an open-source plotting library in Python that can generate several different types of charts. Python users can use Plotly to create interactive web-based visualizations.

In this tutorial, we will see how you can use Plotly to add multiple text labels in a chart from DataFrame columns.

  • Here, we will use the plotly.graph_objects module to generate figures. It contains a lot of methods to customize charts and render them into HTML format.

  • Then, we will use the Scatter() method of this module to generate a scatter plot. The "line" attribute of Scatter() contains a parameter "color" that we will use to specify the required color for the plot.

  • To generate the DataFrame, we will use the Pandas module.

Follow the steps given below to add multiple text labels from DataFrame columns.

Step 1

Import the plotly module and alias as py. Similarly, import the pandas module and alias as pd.

import plotly as py
import pandas as pd

Step 2

Import the plotly.graphs_objs module and alias as go.

import plotly.graphs_objs as go

Step 3

Use the Pandas module to create a dataframe.

df = pd.DataFrame({

Step 4

Set the index name and sort the values based on the "Age" column,

# Set index name = 'DataFrame'

# Sort the values
df = df.sort_values('Age')

Step 5

Create traces to generate the scatter plot and add a text to show hover on column.

# Create traces to generate scatter plot
# Text to show hover on column
trace = go.Scatter(
   x = df.index,
   y = df['Mark'],
   name = 'Mark',
   text = df['Age'],
   mode = 'lines+markers',
   line = dict(color='green',width = 4)

Step 6

Create layout with dict of title for multiple text labels in both X and Y-axis.

layout = dict(
   title = 'Multiple text labels',
   xaxis = dict(title = 'DataFrame'),
   yaxis = dict(title = 'Mark'),

Step 7

Generate the figure with the layout values and create an offline plot.

data = [trace]
fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout)
py.offline.plot(fig, filename = 'df.html')


Here is the complete code to add multiple text labels from DataFrame columns −

import pandas as pd import plotly as py import plotly.graph_objs as go # Crete dataframe df = pd.DataFrame({ 'Age':[20,22,23,24,21], 'Mark':[80,85,90,95,99], }, index=['one','two','three','four','five']) # Set index name = 'DataFrame' # Sort the values df = df.sort_values('Age') # Create traces to generate scatter plot # Text to show hover on column trace = go.Scatter( x = df.index, y = df['Mark'], name = 'Mark', text = df['Age'], mode = 'lines+markers', line = dict(color='green',width = 4) ) # Set layout title for X and Y axis layout = dict( title = 'Multiple text labels', xaxis = dict(title = 'DataFrame'), yaxis = dict(title = 'Mark'), ) # Create data data = [trace] # Set dict of dataset and layout fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) # Generate html file py.offline.plot(fig, filename = 'df.html')


It will show the following output on the browser −

Updated on: 26-Oct-2022

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