How the Dog Found Himself a New Master


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Wolves and dogs are members of the same family. Dogs have instead evolved from wolves. It is also true that man has conquered and domesticated wild creatures throughout the years. This story is about a dog that was tired of wandering around looking for food and shelter and wanted to work for the strongest master on earth.

As a result, it began interacting with several animals. Ultimately, it was discovered that humans are the most powerful. Therefore, it made the decision to become a domesticated animal and assist humans in their work.


A dog's journey toward becoming a man's servant is described in the chapter ‘How the Dog Found Himself a New Master’. It explains the history of how a dog was tamed.

In the past, dogs were just as wild as other animals. But then, one day, a dog became weary of that way of life since he had to hunt for food all over the place and was in danger of being killed by other wild animals, so he made the decision to work for the strongest animal on earth. In order to find the strongest master, the dog has begun his hunt.

First of all, he decided to make a wolf his master, but he soon discovered that the wolf was terrified of the bear since the bear was stronger than a wolf. So, the dog decides to serve the bear as his master. He later learned that a lion was the ruler of the jungle, and that bears were afraid of lions. The dog then made the decision to serve the lion. The dog enjoyed a comfortable and safe life as a lion's servant for a long time since all the animals were terrified of the lion.

After that, on one of the days when they were traveling together, he learned that even a lion was terrified of the man. This revelation changed his perspective on mankind forever. The dog, therefore, determined that man would be his master and that he would be his servant from then on.


Dogs used to be their own masters before they were tamed. They were similar to their wolf relatives until a dog was born who was unhappy with his way of life. The dog was sick of stumbling about looking for food and being intimidated by strong animals. He then decided to serve the world's strongest animal and began his search for a master. He began wandering and found his relative, the wolf. The large wolf was powerful and aggressive. The wolf asked where the dog was going. The dog said that he wanted to find someone to be his master. The dog asked whether the wolf would want to become his master. The wolf quickly agreed, and they both immediately began to move. They moved slowly for a while. The wolf suddenly elevated his nose, began to scent something, and ran further into the woodland. Astonished, the dog questioned the wolf about what had happened and why he was fleeing. The wolf warned the dog to go as well since the bear may devour both of them if it could scent them.

The dog then decided to leave the wolf and choose the bear as his master because he realised that the bear was stronger than the wolf. The dog then approached the bear who accepted the dog's request and became his master. The bear suggested that they would find a group of cows so that he can kill one and they can both eat and get full. Walking into the woodland, they came upon a herd of cows. However, when they approached the herd of cattle, they heard a tremendous noise. The cows were alarmed and were pacing back and forth. The bear fled farther into the forest when he heard the noise from behind a tree. The bear told the dog he should have looked elsewhere for food because this location belongs to the lion. The dog was confused and questioned who the lion was. Bear claimed that the lion is the world's strongest animal. In order to serve only the strongest animal on Earth, the dog once again changed his master and abandoned the bear.

When the dog approached the lion to be his master. The lion agreed, and they spent a considerable amount of time together. The dog was having fun with the lion since nobody bothered him, and as long as he was with the lion, he had no problems at all. On one fine day, both were wandering side by side amid barren rocks. The lion abruptly halted, became agitated, and let out a loud roar. He made such a forceful impact on the earth with his paw that a hole was created. He then silently began to make his way back. The dog asked the lion what the issue was after being startled by his gesture. The lion warned him to leave immediately because they could get into danger since he can scent a man nearby. The dog realised that man is the most powerful creature on the planet and bid farewell to the lion. The dog from then on served mankind and got domesticated.


Thus, the Dog gave up his freedom in exchange for safety and comfort. This tutorial tells the story of how the Dog became man's most loyal servant.


Q1. Why did the dog feel the need for a master?

Ans: Dogs used to be their own masters before they were tamed. They were similar to their wolf relatives until a dog was born who was unhappy with his way of life. The dog was sick of stumbling about looking for food and being intimidated by strong animals. He then decided to serve the world's strongest animal because his master will provide him with food and safety.

Q2. Who did he first choose as his master? Why did he leave that master?

Ans: In search of a master the dog found his relative, the wolf. The large wolf was powerful and aggressive. The dog asked whether the wolf would want to become his master. The wolf quickly agreed, and they both immediately began to move. As they moved slowly, the wolf suddenly elevated his nose, began to scent something, and ran further into the woodland. The wolf warned the dog to go as well since the bear may devour both of them if it could scent them. The dog then decided to leave the wolf and choose the bear as his master because he realised that the bear was stronger than the wolf.

Q3. Who did he choose after the bear?

Ans: The dog chose the lion as his third master.

Q4. Why did he serve the Lion for a long time?

Ans: A lion is one of the strongest animals in the forest and no one dares to fight with a lion. The dog was having fun with the lion since nobody bothered him, and as long as he was with the lion, he had no problems at all.

Q5. Who did he finally choose a man as his master and why?

Ans: When the lion warned him to leave immediately because they could get into danger since he can scent a man nearby. The dog realised that man is the most powerful creature on the planet and bid farewell to the lion. The dog from then on served mankind and got domesticated.

Updated on: 13-Dec-2022


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