How Joint Webinars Can Drive SaaS Lead Generation

Webinars have become an increasingly popular way for businesses to generate leads and showcase their expertise in a particular field. However, hosting a webinar on your own can be daunting and may not always yield the desired results. This is where joint webinars come in - a partnership between two or more businesses to conduct a webinar together, sharing resources and reaching a wider audience.

Joint Webinars for SaaS Lead Generation

For SaaS companies specifically, joint webinars can be an effective way to showcase their software solutions while providing valuable insights into industry trends or best practices related to their product. As SaaS products tend to be complex, and require significant investment on the part of potential customers, hosting joint webinars with complementary partners can help simplify things by demonstrating real-world use cases and highlighting how multiple solutions can work together seamlessly.

Joint webinars are an excellent tool for generating leads while building relationships within your industry. Their benefits include increased exposure through collaborations with other businesses; access to new audiences; shared resources; simplified messaging; and more effective lead generation through collective expertise.

Finding the Right Partner

Importance of finding a partner with complementary products/services

When looking for a partner to collaborate with on a joint webinar, it's important to find someone whose products or services complement your own. This way, you can provide your audience with more value by introducing them to solutions that they might not have been aware of before. For example, if you're a project management software company, partnering with a time-tracking tool could be beneficial as both products can benefit from each other’s features.

Tips on how to find potential partners

Finding the right partner for your joint webinar might seem like a daunting task, but there are several ways that can make it easier. First and foremost, look within your existing network of business contacts and see if there are any potential partners there. Next, do some research online and see what other companies in your industry are doing.

Don't be afraid to reach out directly and pitch the idea of collaborating on a joint webinar. Attending industry events is also a great way to meet potential partners in person and establish new relationships that could lead to future collaborations.

Planning the Webinar

Setting goals and objectives for the webinar

The first step in planning a successful joint webinar is setting clear goals and objectives. What do you want to achieve with this webinar? Is it to generate leads, increase brand awareness or educate your audience about a new product or feature?

Whatever your goal may be, make sure it is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (SMART).

Choosing a topic that appeals to both audiences

When choosing a topic for your joint webinar, it's important to consider what will appeal to both audiences. The topic should be relevant to both products and services being offered by the partnering companies.

A great way to choose a topic is by conducting market research on common pain points shared by both of your target audiences. You can also take inspiration from frequently asked questions or customer feedback.

Deciding on the format and structure of the webinar

Now that you have set goals and chosen a topic, it's time to decide on the format and structure of your joint webinar. Do you want it to be an interview-style conversation between multiple presenters? Or would you prefer each presenter speak during separate segments of the presentation?

Should there be slides or visual aids used throughout? How long should each segment last?

Promoting the Webinar

Creating a Landing Page for Registration

The first step in promoting a joint webinar is to create a landing page where potential attendees can register for the event. The landing page should be visually appealing and informative, providing details about the webinar topic, date, time, and speakers. Make sure to include a call-to-action button that stands out and prompts visitors to sign up.

Your landing page should also include any additional information that potential attendees might find helpful. This could include an overview of what will be covered during the webinar or details about the speakers' experience and expertise.

Leveraging Social Media Platforms to Promote the Event

Leveraging social media platforms is an integral part of promoting your joint webinar. You can use platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and others to spread the word about your upcoming event.

Create engaging posts that talk about what attendees can expect from your SaaS webinar - teasers work great! Also, encourage your partner company to share these posts on their social media channels so that you can reach an even larger audience.

Utilizing Email Marketing to Reach Out To Potential Attendees

Email marketing is another effective way of promoting your joint webinar. Create email invites that contain details like date, time, and topics discussed by using enticing language; depending on your target audience you may need different tones in each email invite such as professional or casual tone).

Personalize emails if possible by including their name or company's name in salutation or body text Segmenting emails according to user preferences is also important since different people have different interests based on their demographics (e.g., age group), past engagement with your SaaS company, and others.

Conducting the Webinar

Tips on How to Deliver an Engaging Presentation

Once you have planned your joint webinar and promoted it to your target audience, it's time to focus on delivering an engaging presentation. First, start by introducing yourself and your partner, and set the tone for the webinar. Keep in mind that people have short attention spans, so try to make your content as visually interesting as possible.

Use images, videos, and other multimedia elements whenever possible. Also, keep in mind that you want to offer value to attendees throughout the entire presentation.

Encouraging Audience Participation through Q&A Sessions

One of the best ways to engage with your audience during a joint webinar is through Q&A sessions. Not only does this encourage participation from attendees but also helps clear any doubts they may have regarding your products or services. You can either allot a specific time slot at the end of the presentation for questions or pause after each section to take questions from attendees before moving on to the next topic.

Following up with Attendees

Sending follow-up emails with relevant content and offers

Following up after a joint webinar is crucial in maintaining the momentum of lead generation. By sending follow-up emails, you give attendees a chance to learn more about your product and also nurture the relationship with them. It's important to personalize these emails by including the attendees’ names and mentioning specific points discussed during the webinar.

Tracking leads generated from the webinar

The success of joint webinars lies in their ability to generate leads for both parties involved. To make sure that this happens, you need to track these leads as they come in. To do this effectively, you can use tools like Google Analytics or Hubspot that allow you to track registrations, sign-ups, and click-throughs from your follow-up emails or CTAs.


Joint webinars are an effective way to generate leads for SaaS companies. By partnering with a complementary business, you can reach new audiences and show off the value of your product or service. When both companies put in the effort to make the webinar valuable for attendees, you're more likely to see an increase in conversions.

Updated on: 28-Jun-2023


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