How do I create a multidimensional list in Python?

Multidimensional Lists are Lists within Lists. The left index as row number and right index as column number, for example


Above, r is row number and c is column number.

Let’s see an example. For multidimensional list 2x3 −

list [2][3]

Create a Multidimensional Python List


In this example, we will learn how to create a Multidimensional List in Python. We will also iterate and print the array.

# Create a Multi-Dimensional Python List mylist = [[2,5], [10,24,68], [80]] print("\nMultidimensional List") for outList in mylist: print(outList)


Multidimensional List
[2, 5]
[10, 24, 68]

How to access elements in a Multidimensional Python List


In this example, we will learn how to access elements in a multidimensional list. Access using square brackets −

# Create a Multi-Dimensional Python List mylist = [[2,5], [10,24,68], [80]] print("\nMultidimensional List") for outList in mylist: print(outList) # Accessing Third element in the 2nd row print("\nThird element in the 2nd row = \n",mylist[1][2])


Multidimensional List
[2, 5][10, 24, 68]

Third element in the 2nd row = 

Append elements in a Multidimensional List


The append() method is used to append elements in a Multidimensional List. The elements added will get appended i.e. in the end −

# Create a Multi-Dimensional Python List mylist = [[2,5], [10,24,68], [80]] print("Multidimensional List") for outList in mylist: print(outList) # Append elements mylist.append([65, 24]) print("\nDisplaying the updated Multidimensional List") for outList in mylist: print(outList)


Multidimensional List
[2, 5]
[10, 24, 68]

Displaying the updated Multidimensional List
[2, 5]
[10, 24, 68]
[65, 24]

Updated on: 16-Sep-2022


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