How can one start writing HTML code?

A text editor like Notepad or Sublime Text is required to start writing HTML code in order to create and save HTML files. Opening a new file with the "html" extension is necessary to use the HTML standard for organising web page content. To specify website components like headings, paragraphs, links, and graphics, use tags within the file. With the exception of self-closing tags, tags that are enclosed in angle brackets always have an opening and a closing tag. Attributes allow for the addition of additional functionality and data. The file must be saved with the ".html" extension and opened in a web browser to view the rendered webpage. A text editor makes it easier to create and organise HTML code in its first stages.

HTML Main Concepts

  • Text Editor

  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

  • Online HTML Editors

  • Content Management Systems (CMS)

Text Editor

One can start the process by using a text editor, such as Notepad or Sublime Text, to start writing HTML code. The foundation for producing and saving HTML files is a text editor, which enables fluid coding. Open a fresh file first with the proper ".html" extension. Use tags in this file to specify the headings, paragraphs, links, and images that make up the website. Angle brackets, like the one in the example, enclose these tags. For the majority of items, it is necessary to provide both an opening and closing tag. To improve their functionality or add extra details, you can also add characteristics in tags. After writing the HTML code, save the file with a ".html" extension and view it in a web browser to see the finished webpage.

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

One can use the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) technique to begin writing HTML code. An HTML development environment is provided by an IDE like Visual Studio Code, Atom, or Sublime Text. Launch the selected IDE after installation, then start a new HTML file. The IDE offers tools that make writing easier, including as syntax highlighting, code recommendations, and auto-completion. Additionally, it frequently has a live preview function that allows the HTML code to be rendered in real time.

The IDE helps by automatically producing closing tags as HTML tags are entered, minimising errors. This approach improves productivity and efficiency, making learning to code easier for both novices and seasoned developers. The user-friendly interface and many capabilities of the IDE make developing HTML a breeze.

Online HTML Editor

One might use the online HTML editor approach to begin writing HTML code. A web browser can be used to access interactive coding environments provided by online HTML editors like CodePen. These platforms give users the ability to write HTML code right away without the need to install any software locally. People can access a defined coding interface where they can write, edit, and save HTML files by going to the website of an online HTML editor. These editors frequently provide helpful options like syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and real-time web page previews. In a user-friendly online setting, this technique enables newcomers to quickly experiment with HTML code, see the instant visual effects, and hone their skills.

Content Management Systems

One can look at the use of Content Management Systems (CMS) to start writing HTML code. A user-friendly interface is offered by content management systems, such WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal, for the creation and management of web content, including HTML-based templates. Creating a website and choosing an appropriate CMS platform are typical steps in the CMS process.

Users can visit the administrator dashboard to add and edit web pages once the CMS is installed and set up. Visual editors are frequently available on CMS platforms, enabling users to generate and edit material without explicitly writing HTML code. However, users can still directly access the HTML code within the CMS interface to make manual alterations and additions for even more flexibility and customization. By offering an organised environment and user-friendly tools, this method simplifies the process of beginning to create HTML code.

Steps to Write HTML Code

  • Open a text editor, such as Sublime Text or Notepad.

  • Open new file and give it the.html extension.

  • First type the opening HTML tag − “<html>”

  • Insert the opening and closing head tags − "<head> </head>" inside the HTML elements.

  • Insert the title of webpagge using opening and closing title tags − "<title> </title>" inside the head elements.

  • After the head tags type the opening and closing body tags − "<body> </body>".

  • Begin incorporating HTML components like headings ("("<h1> </h1>"), paragraphs ("<p> </p>"), and images ("<img src='image.jpg' alt='Description'>").

  • Save for self-closing tags like the image tag, use opening and closing tags for every element you add.

  • Type the anchor tag ("Link Text") to make links.

  • Apply CSS styling to elements by giving them a style attribute or by using the <"link>" tag to link to an external CSS file.

  • Use the <"script>" tag to insert JavaScript code; you can also link to an external JavaScript file.

  • Put the.html extension on your HTML file when saving it.

  • To view the rendered webpage, open the file in a web browser.

  • Review and tweak your HTML code often to get the layout and functionality you want.

  • Continue to investigate and learn more about HTML tags, characteristics, and techniques to improve your coding abilities and produce more complex web pages.


Create HTML files with the ".html" extension using an appropriate text editor, such as Notepad or Sublime Text, to start creating HTML code. Elements like headings, paragraphs, links, and images are defined using tags in HTML, the language used to structure web pages. except for self-closing tags, be able to understand the notion of opening and closing tags. To improve functionality and add more information, attributes can be applied to tags. The HTML file is saved with the ".html" extension and opened in a web browser to display a preview of the produced webpage. Continuously learning and investigating HTML tags, characteristics, and approaches will improve coding abilities and make it possible to create more complex web pages.

Updated on: 17-Aug-2023


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