Group Records by Kth Column in a List using Python

In Python, the grouping of records by the kth column in a list can be done using Python methods like using the itertools.groupby function, using a dictionary, and using the pandas library. By grouping the records by kth column we analyze and manipulate data more effectively. In this article, we will explore all these methods and implement these methods to group records by kth column in a list.

Method 1:Using the itertools.groupby function

The itertools.groupby function is a useful tool for grouping elements based on a key function. his method utilizes the itertools.groupby function to sort the records based on the Kth column and group them together. It provides a concise and efficient solution for grouping records in a list.



Here, the append() function is a list method used to add an element to the end of the list_name. It modifies the original list by adding the specified element as a new item.

itertools.groupby(iterable, key=None)

Here, the groupby() method uses the iterable and key as parameter.

  • Iterable: This is the input iterable, which can be any sequence or collection of elements that you want to group.

  • Key=None: This is an optional parameter that specifies a function to be used as the key for grouping. If no key function is provided (i.e., None is passed), the elements themselves are used as the keys for grouping.


In the below example, we first sort the records list based on the Kth column using the sorted function and a lambda function as the key. Then, we use itertools.groupby to group the sorted records based on the same key. Finally, we append each group to a list and return it.

import itertools

def group_by_kth_column(records, k):
    sorted_records = sorted(records, key=lambda x: x[k-1])
    groups = []
    for key, group in itertools.groupby(sorted_records, key=lambda x: x[k-1]):
    return groups

# Example usage
records = [
    ['Alice', 25, 'Engineer'],
    ['Bob', 30, 'Manager'],
    ['Charlie', 25, 'Designer'],
    ['David', 30, 'Engineer'],
    ['Eve', 25, 'Manager'],
    ['Frank', 30, 'Designer']

grouped_records = group_by_kth_column(records, 2)

# Output
for group in grouped_records:


[['Alice', 25, 'Engineer'], ['Charlie', 25, 'Designer'], ['Eve', 25, 'Manager']]
[['Bob', 30, 'Manager'], ['David', 30, 'Engineer'], ['Frank', 30, 'Designer']]

Method 2:Using a dictionary

This approach uses a dictionary to group the records based on the Kth column. It offers a simple and effective way to collect records with the same key value.



Here, the append() function is a list method used to add an element to the end of the list_name. It modifies the original list by adding the specified element as a new item.


Here, the list() constructor can be called with an optional iterable argument. If provided, the elements of the iterable are converted into a new list. If no argument is given, an empty list is created.


In the below example, we iterate through the records list and use the Kth column value as the key to access the dictionary. If the key exists, we append the record to the corresponding list. Otherwise, we create a new key−value pair, where the key is the Kth column value and the value is a list containing the current record. Finally, we convert the dictionary values to a list and return it.

def group_by_kth_column(records, k):
    groups = {}
    for record in records:
        key = record[k-1]
        if key in groups:
            groups[key] = [record]
    return list(groups.values())

# Example usage (same as before)
grouped_records = group_by_kth_column(records, 2)

# Output (same as before)
for group in grouped_records:


[['Alice', 25, 'Engineer'], ['Charlie', 25, 'Designer'], ['Eve', 25, 'Manager']]
[['Bob', 30, 'Manager'], ['David', 30, 'Engineer'], ['Frank', 30, 'Designer']]

Method 3:Using the pandas library

This method makes use of the powerful pandas library to handle more extensive datasets and perform advanced data manipulation. It converts the records into a DataFrame and utilizes groupby to group the data by the Kth column.


grouped = df.groupby(key)

Here, the Pandas GroupBy method is used to group data in a DataFrame based on one or more keys. The "key" parameter represents the column or columns by which the data should be grouped. The resulting "grouped" object can be used to perform operations and computations on each group separately.


In the below example, we convert the records list into a pandas DataFrame. Then, we group the DataFrame by the Kth column using the groupby function and apply the lambda function to convert each group into a list of records. Finally, we convert the grouped DataFrame to a list using tolist().

import pandas as pd

def group_by_kth_column(records, k):
    df = pd.DataFrame(records)
    grouped_df = df.groupby(k-1).apply(lambda x: x.values.tolist())
    return grouped_df.tolist()

# Example usage (same as before)
grouped_records = group_by_kth_column(records, 2)

# Output (same as before)
for group in grouped_records:


[['Alice', 25, 'Engineer'], ['Charlie', 25, 'Designer'], ['Eve', 25, 'Manager']]
[['Bob', 30, 'Manager'], ['David', 30, 'Engineer'], ['Frank', 30, 'Designer']]

Method 3 -Using itertools.groupby()

The itertools module in Python provides a groupby() function, which groups elements from an iterable based on a key function.



Here, the append() function is a list method used to add an element to the end of the list_name. It modifies the original list by adding the specified element as a new item.

itertools.groupby(iterable, key=None)

Here, the groupby() method takes an iterable as input and an optional key function. It returns an iterator that generates tuples containing consecutive keys and groups from the iterable. The key function is used to determine the grouping criterion.


In the below example, we used the groupby() function from the itertools module. Before applying the groupby() function, we sorted the events list based on dates using a lambda function. The groupby() function groups the events based on the date, and we iterated over the groups to extract the event names and append them to the corresponding date's key in the defaultdict. The resulting dictionary shows the grouped records, where each date has a list of events.

from itertools import groupby

# Creating a sample list of dates and events
events = [
    ('2023-06-18', 'Meeting'),
    ('2023-06-18', 'Lunch'),
    ('2023-06-19', 'Conference'),
    ('2023-06-19', 'Dinner'),
    ('2023-06-20', 'Presentation')

events.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])  # Sort the events based on dates

grouped_events = defaultdict(list)

for date, group in groupby(events, key=lambda x: x[0]):
    for _, event in group:



'2023-06-18': ['Meeting', 'Lunch'],
 '2023-06-19': ['Conference', 'Dinner'],
 '2023-06-20': ['Presentation']


In this article, we discussed how we can group records by kth column in a list using different methods in Python. We implemented the itertools.groupby function, dictionary−based grouping, and using the pandas library. By each method we can perform the desired grouping, and the choice depends on factors like the size of the dataset and the required functionalities.

Updated on: 18-Jul-2023


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