Golang program to show overriding of methods in classes

When a method is overridden in Go, a new method with the same name and receiver type as an existing method is created and used in place of the existing one. As a result, Golang may provide polymorphism, allowing different implementations of a same method to be used depending on the type of receiver. Let’ see the execution in examples.

Method 1: Using shape struct

Here, this shape struct will contain an area field and an area method which will return the value of area field. Rectangle and square both inherit the area () method. The output will be their area printed on the console.


  • Step 1 − Create a package main and declare fmt(format package) package in the program

  • Step 2 − First, we create a struct Shape with a field called area of type float64 and a method called Area() that returns the field's value.

  • Step 3 − The Shape struct is then embedded in a new structure called Rectangle, which also has two float64-type properties called width and height.

  • Step 4 − Then, we create a function for the Rectangle struct called CalculateArea() that computes the area using the width and height variables and assigns the result to the area field that was inherited from the Shape struct.

  • Step 5 − The Shape struct is also embedded in the Square struct, which similarly has a field side of type float64.

  • Step 6 − Then, using the side field to compute the area and assigning the result to the area field inherited from the Shape struct, we define the method CalculateArea() for the Square struct.

  • Step 7 − To compute the areas of the forms, we construct pointers to instances of the Rectangle and Square structs in the main function and call their respective CalculateArea() functions.

  • Step 8 − We invoke the Area() function on the Rectangle and Square pointers to obtain the areas of the forms after computing their areas.

  • Step 9 − The area of rectangle and the area of square is printed on the console using fmt.Println() function where ln means new line.


In this example we will learn how to override methods in class using shape struct.

package main
import (

type Shape struct {
	area float64   //create area field in the struct

func (sq *Shape) Area() float64 {
	return sq.area   //return area of square

type Rectangle struct {
	width  float64   //width of rectangle
	height float64   //height of rectangle

func (rect *Rectangle) CalculateArea() {
	rect.area = rect.width * rect.height     //area of rectangle

type Square struct {
	side float64      //side of square

func (sq *Square) CalculateArea() {
	sq.area = sq.side * sq.side    //area of square

func main() {
	rect := &Rectangle{width: 16, height: 6}  //set the width and height of square
	fmt.Println("Area of rectangle: ", rect.Area())  //print area of rectangle 

	sq := &Square{side: 8} //set side of square
	fmt.Println("Area of square: ", sq.Area()) //print area of square.


Area of rectangle:  96
Area of square:  64

Method 2: Using shape interface

Here, the shapes rectangle and square implement the shape interface by implementing the area method. In the end, the output will be the area of square and rectangle.


  • Step 1 − Create a package main and declare fmt(format package) package in the program

  • Step 2 − In the beginning, we create an interface called Shape with a function called Area() that returns a float64 value.

  • Step 3 − We then define a structure called Rectangle, which has two float64-type attributes called width and height.

  • Step 4 − The Area() method for the Rectangle struct is then implemented by creating a function with the same signature as the Shape interface and computing the area using the width and height parameters.

  • Step 5 − In a similar manner, we create a structure called Square with a field of type float64.

  • Step 6 − Then, using the side field to determine the area this time, we implement the Area() method for the Square struct.

  • Step 7 − The Rectangle struct's Area() method is called in the main function, and it returns the area of the rectangle.

  • Step 8 − Additionally, we construct an instance of the Square struct and use its Area() method to obtain the square's area.

  • Step 9 − The area of both the shapes is printed on the console using fmt.Println() function where ln means new line.


In this example we will learn how to override methods in class using shape interface.

package main
import (

type Shape interface {
	Area() float64   //create area method

type Rectangle struct {
	width  float64   //width of rectangle
	height float64  //height of rectangle

func (rect Rectangle) Area() float64 {
	return rect.width * rect.height   //area of rectangle 

type Square struct {
	side float64  //side of square

func (sq Square) Area() float64 {
	return sq.side * sq.side    //area of square

func main() {
	rect := Rectangle{width: 16, height: 6}   //set the width and height of rectangle
	fmt.Println("Area of rectangle: ", rect.Area()) //print area of rectangle

	sq := Square{side: 8}  //set the sides of square
	fmt.Println("Area of square: ", sq.Area())  //print area of square


Area of rectangle:  96
Area of square:  64


We executed the program of showing how to override methods in class using two examples. In the first example we used shape struct and in the second example we used shape interface.

Updated on: 01-Feb-2023

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