Generating Random id's using UUID in Python

UUID is having the full form Universal Unique Identifier, it is a python library which supports 128 bits ids for generating random objects.

Advantages of UUID

  • As discussed, we can use it to generate unique random id for random objects.
  • For cryptography and hashing applications, this id can be used.
  • For generating random documents and also addresses etc. this id can be used.


Using uuid1()

Example code

import uuid
print ("Random id using uuid1() is : ",end="")
print (uuid.uuid1())


Random id using uuid1() is : 4adeede2-e5d8-11e8-bd27-185e0fd4f8b3

Representations of uuid1()

bytes − It returns id in the format of 16 byte string.

int − It returns id in format of 128-bit integer.

hex − As 32 character hexadecimal string, it returns random id.

Components of uuid1()

version − version number of UUID.

variant − It determines the internal layout of UUID.

Fields of uuid1()

time_low −Indicates the first 32 bits of id.

time_mid −Indicates the next 16 bits of id.

time_hi_version − Indicates the next 16 bits of id.

clock_seq_hi_variant − Indicates next 8 bits of id.

clock_seq_low − Indicates next 8 bits of id.

node − Indicates last 48 bits of id.

time − Indicates time component field of id.

clock_seq − Indicates 14 bit sequence number.

Example code

import uuid
id = uuid.uuid1()
# Representations of uuid1()
print ("Different Representations of uuid1() are : ")
print ("Representation in byte : ",end="")
print (repr(id.bytes))
print ("Representation in int : ",end="")
print (
print ("Representation in hex : ",end="")
print (id.hex)
# Components of uuid1()
print ("Different Components of uuid1() are : ")
print ("UUID Version : ",end="")
print (id.version)
print ("UUID Variant : ",end="")
print (id.variant)
# Fields of uuid1()
print ("Fields of uuid1() are : ")
print ("UUID Fields : ",end="")
print (id.fields)
# uuid1() Time Component
print ("uuid1() time Component is : ")
print ("Time component : ",end="")
print (id.node)


Different Representations of uuid1() are :
Representation in byte : b'\x1a\xd2\xa7F\xe5\xe4\x11\xe8\xbd\x9c\x18^\x0f\xd4\xf8\xb3'
Representation in int : 35653703010223099234452630771665795251
Representation in hex : 1ad2a746e5e411e8bd9c185e0fd4f8b3

Different Components of uuid1() are :
UUID Version : 1
UUID Variant : specified in RFC 4122

Fields of uuid1() are :
UUID Fields : (450012998, 58852, 4584, 189, 156, 26792271607987)

uuid1() time Component is :
Time component : 26792271607987


Using uuid4()

Example code

import uuid
id = uuid.uuid4()
# Id generated using uuid4()
print ("The id generated using uuid4() : ",end="")
print (id)


The id generated using uuid4() : 21764219-e3d9-4bd3-a768-0bbc6e376bc0

karthikeya Boyini
karthikeya Boyini

I love programming (: That's all I know

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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