Framework7 - Multiple Select and Maxlength


Smart select allows to select limited number items by using the maxlength attribute.


The following example demonstrates the selection of items with limit number of possible selected items in Framework7 −

<!DOCTYPE html>

      <meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width, initial-scale = 1, 
         maximum-scale = 1, minimum-scale = 1, user-scalable = no, minimal-ui" />
      <meta name = "apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content = "yes" />
      <meta name = "apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content = "black" />
      <title>Multiple Select and Maxlength</title>
      <link rel = "stylesheet" 
         href = "" />
      <link rel = "stylesheet" 
         href = "" />

      <div class = "views">
         <div class = "view view-main">
            <div class = "navbar">
               <div class = "navbar-inner">
                  <div class = "left"> </div>
                  <div class = "center sliding">Multiple Select and Maxlength</div>
                  <div class = "right"> </div>
            <div class = "pages navbar-through">
               <div data-page = "home" class = "page">
                  <div class = "page-content">
                     <div class = "list-block">
                              <a href = "#" class = "item-link smart-select">
                                 <select name = "car" multiple maxlength = "4">
                                    <optgroup label = "India">
                                       <option value = "delhi" selected>Delhi</option>
                                       <option value = "mumbai">Mumbai</option>
                                       <option value = "bangalore">Bangalore</option>
                                    <optgroup label = "United Kingdom">
                                       <option value = "london">London</option>
                                       <option value = "belfast">Belfast</option>
                                       <option value = "wells">Wells</option>
                                    <optgroup label = "Australia">
                                       <option value = "sydney">Sydney</option>
                                       <option value = "perth">Perth</option>
                                       <option value = "melbourne">Melbourne</option>
                                 <div class = "item-content">
                                    <div class = "item-inner">
                                       <div class = "item-title">Cities</div>
      <script type = "text/javascript" 
         src = ""></script>
         // here initialize the app
         var myApp = new Framework7({

         // If your using custom DOM library, then save it to $$ variable
         var $$ = Dom7;

         // Add the view
         var mainView = myApp.addView('.view-main', {
            // enable the dynamic navbar for this view
            dynamicNavbar: true



Let us carry out the following steps to see how the above given code works −

  • Save the above given HTML code as smart_select_multiple_maxlength.html file in your server root folder.

  • Open this HTML file as http://localhost/smart_select_multiple_maxlength.html and the output is displayed as shown below.

  • Here the maximum length is set to 4. When you click on the Cities option, you can see different options for each city where you can select only upto four options.
