Framework7 - Overlay Login Screen


Modal is a small window that displays the content from separate source without leaving the parent window.

There are two ways to open and close the login screen in Framework7 as specified in the following table −

S.No Type & Description
1 From HTML

You can open and close the login screen using Framework7 classes.

2 Using JavaScript

You can open and close the login screen using JavaScript app methods.

Login Screen Events

The following table shows a list of Modal events −

S.No Event Target & Description
1 open

Login Screen Element

When you open an animation, this event will get fired.

2 opened

Login Screen Element

When the opening of an animation is completed, this event will get fired.

3 close

Login Screen Element

When you close an animation, this event will get fired.

4 closed

Login Screen Element

When the closing of an animation is completed, this event will get fired.

You can create a login screen in two ways as specified in the table below −

S.No Type & Description
1 Start App With Login Screen

You can create the login screen on applicaton's first screen by using the modal-in class.

2 Embedded Login Screen

To embed a login screen, you can insert the login screen into the page.
