Framework7 - Action Sheet


The Action Sheet is used to present the user with a set of possibilities for how to handle a given task. It can also be used to prompt the user to handle potential actions, which are dangerous. The Action Sheet consists of an optional title and one or more buttons. Each button is dedicated to an action to take.

The Action Sheet is not suggested to use on large screens such as iPad, instead use popover.

The following table shows how to use Action Sheet in Framework7 −

S.No Action Sheet types & Description
1 Create and open Action Sheet

It is the dynamic element, which can be created and opened using JavaScript.

2 Convert Action Sheet to Popover

You can use the extended Action Sheet syntax to automatically convert Action Sheet to popover.

3 Close Action Sheet

The Action Sheet can be closed manually by using the appropriate app's method.

4 Action Sheet Events

To detect how a user interacts with the Action Sheet, you can use Action Sheetevents.

5 Action Sheet Template

You can customize Action Sheet template by passing modalActionsTemplate parameter on App initialization.

6 Action Sheet To Popover Template

Whenever you use Action Sheet convertation to popover, you can customize popover template by passing modalActionsToPopoverTemplate parameter on App initialization.
