Finding the Base-e Exponential of Given Number in Golang

In mathematics, the exponential function is a function that grows at a rate proportional to its current value. The base-e exponential function, also known as the natural exponential function, is defined as e raised to the power of a given number, where e is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 2.71828. In Golang, you can easily find the base-e exponential of a given number using the math.Exp() function.


The syntax of math.Exp() function is as follows −

func Exp(x float64) float64

where x is the number whose base-e exponential needs to be found. The function returns the base-e exponential of the given number.

Example 1: Finding Base-e Exponential of a Positive Number

In the following example, we will find the base-e exponential of a positive number using the math.Exp() function −

package main

import (

func main() {
   x := 2.5
   result := math.Exp(x)
   fmt.Printf("The base-e exponential of %f is %f", x, result)


The base-e exponential of 2.500000 is 12.182494

Example 2: Finding Base-e Exponential of a Negative Number

In the following example, we will find the base-e exponential of a negative number using the math.Exp() function −

package main

import (

func main() {
   x := -3.8
   result := math.Exp(x)
   fmt.Printf("The base-e exponential of %f is %f", x, result)


The base-e exponential of -3.800000 is 0.022371

Example 3: Finding Base-e Exponential of Zero

In the following example, we will find the base-e exponential of zero using the math.Exp() function −

package main

import (

func main() {
   x := 0.0
   result := math.Exp(x)
   fmt.Printf("The base-e exponential of %f is %f", x, result)


The base-e exponential of 0.000000 is 1.000000


In this article, we learned how to find the base-e exponential of a given number using the math.Exp() function in Golang. We also saw three examples that illustrate how to use the function to find the base-e exponential of positive, negative, and zero values. The math.Exp() function is a useful tool for mathematical calculations involving exponential growth or decay.

Updated on: 12-Apr-2023


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