Find maximum sum of triplets in an array such than i < j < k and a[i] < a[j] < a[k] in Python

Suppose we have an array of positive numbers, there are n elements in that array, we have to find the maximum sum of triplet (ai + aj + ak ) such that 0 <= i < j < k < n and ai< aj< ak.

So, if the input is like A = [3,6,4,2,5,10], then the output will be 19 as triplets are (3 4 5): sum = 12, (3 6 10): sum = 19, (3 4 10): sum = 17, (4 5 10): sum = 19, (2 5 10): sum = 17. So the max is 19

To solve this, we will follow these steps −

  • n := size of A

  • res := 0

  • for i in range 1 to n - 1, do

    • first_max := 0, second_max := 0

    • for j in range 0 to i, do

      • if A[j] < A[i], then

        • first_max := maximum of first_max, A[j]

    • for j in range i + 1 to n, do

      • if A[j] > A[i], then

        • second_max := maximum of second_max, A[j]

    • if first_max and second_max is non-zero, then

      • res := maximum of res, first_max + A[i] + second_max

  • return res


Let us see the following implementation to get better understanding −

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def get_max_triplet_sum(A) :
   n = len(A)
   res = 0
   for i in range(1, (n - 1)) :
      first_max = 0
      second_max = 0
      for j in range(0, i) :
         if (A[j] < A[i]) :
            first_max = max(first_max, A[j])
      for j in range((i + 1), n) :
         if (A[j] > A[i]) :
            second_max = max(second_max, A[j])
      if (first_max and second_max):
         res = max(res, first_max + A[i] + second_max)
   return res
A = [3,6,4,2,5,10]





Updated on: 25-Aug-2020


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